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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments
New names on the cast, a new set of pictures and a poster. An update on the independent Wuthering Heights 2016 production:
Here we are delighted to announce all things to do with the production of Wuthering Heights which commences filming shortly. We were thrilled to begin production on 7th February in Herefordshire by filming our mini trailer and the ghost scene, so please enjoy these publicity stills- more coming shortly.

Heathcliff ... Paul Atlas (Check the Blackpool Gazette article covering this casting)
Catherine Earnshaw ... Sha'ori Morris (Malcolm Holt's 'Sunny Side of the Street' Interviews from the World of Entertainment)

Here we are delighted to announce all things to do with the production of Wuthering Heights  which commences filming shortly.
We were thrilled to begin production on 7th February in Herefordshire by filming our mini trailer and the ghost scene, so please enjoy these publicity stills- more coming shortly.
All photography is copyright Wuthering Heights 2016.
Here we are delighted to announce all things to do with the production of Wuthering Heights  which commences filming shortly.
We were thrilled to begin production on 7th February in Herefordshire by filming our mini trailer and the ghost scene, so please enjoy these publicity stills- more coming shortly.
All photography is copyright Wuthering Heights 2016.


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