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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday, January 28, 2016 12:26 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
Today, January 28, is the opening night of a Wuthering Heights student production in Birmingham:
The Ruddock Performing Arts Centre

Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

Probably one of the most unconventional "love" stories ever told.  Because her adored Heathcliff has been degraded to the status of a servant by her elder brother's vindictiveness, Catherine marries a man who she doesn't love. "Wuthering Heights" tells the tale of Heathcliff's consequent destructive revenge on two ancient families across two generations.

This year's KES & KEHS senior production brings Emily Brontë's extraordinary novel to thrilling life. Devised by the company with physical theatre and music making the poetry of the page resound through the Ruddock Hall, the performance is being made up as we go along - it is fair to say that you will never have seen anything quite like it...

January 28,29,30 7:00PM
And in Puebla, México, a workshop
on Jane Austen, Emily Brontë and Virginia Wolf. These are the details:
Librería Universitaria del Complejo Cultural Universitario de la BUAP
Tres escritoras inglesas: Jane Austen, Emily Brontë y Virginia Woolf
Professor: Frank Loveland Smith.

Lugar: Sala Lúdica de la Librería Universitaria
Presentaciones: Enero 21 a Marzo 31, 18:00 hrs. a 20:00 hrs.

1era. Introducción
2da a 4ta: Orgullo y prejuicio, de Jane Austen
5ta a 7ma: Cumbres borrascosas, de Emily Brontë
8va a 10ma: Orlando, de Virginia Woolf

(...) Por otro lado, muy diferente, está la niña mala del XIX: Emily Brontë, quien muere joven y virgen, autora de una sola novela: “Wuthering Heights” (Cumbres Borrascosas), la cual escandalizó en su momento a buena parte de la crítica, que la consideró enfermiza, inmoral y malignamente hipnótica, sin embargo hoy en día tiene todo el reconocimiento que merece. (...)
Este taller acercará a los asistentes a conocer tres modos de hacer literatura desde la mirada de una mujer, de la mano de tres escritoras inglesas espléndidas, con características diferentes: femenina la primera, apasionada la segunda y muy inteligente la tercera, quienes a través de sus historias harán vivir a sus lectores gratas emociones.


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