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Sunday, January 03, 2016

Culture24 publishes a summary of the upcoming two UK main exhibitions celebrating Charlotte Brontë's anniversary this year:
Precious relics of the life of Charlotte Brontë are to go on display in 2016 for Brontë200, as the National Portrait Gallery and the Brontë Parsonage in Haworth pool their resources to celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of the famous author of Jane Eyre. 
Among the treasures displayed at the NPG are paintings and drawings by Charlotte, letters and journals, the famous ‘little books’ created by the Brontë sisters as children, including the first book Charlotte ever made and a pair of cloth ankle boots worn by Charlotte.
The free display will also feature first editions of Jane Eyre, her first published novel, which enjoyed immediate and enduring popularity as well as Elizabeth Gaskell’s biography, Life of Charlotte Brontë. (...)
New research about the famous painting of the literary Brontë sisters, by their brother Branwell, will also be revealed, exploring the intriguing story of its discovery folded on top of a wardrobe, subsequent acquisition by the gallery and its restoration.
The display will also include the chalk drawings of Charlotte and her friend and first biographer Elizabeth Gaskell by George Richmond, alongside portraits of Charlotte Brontë’s heroes and associates such as the Duke of Wellington, poet Lord Byron and novelist William Thackeray.(...)
In Yorkshire, at the epicentre of the thriving international Brontë industry, the Brontë Society and the Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth have invited the novelist Tracy Chevalier to be a “creative partner” for the bicentenary year, to explore creative ways of responding to the Brontë legacy.
The acclaimed writer, whose works include Girl with a Pearl Earring, has developed an exhibition called I Shall Go Off Like a Bombshell which, through objects and quotations “explores the contrast between Charlotte’s constricted life and her huge ambition”. (...)
Many of the loans from the Parsonage Museum as well as works from the National Portrait Gallery Collection will be exhibited in the United States for the first time at the Morgan Library in New York in autumn 2016 as the Bronte Society looks to “bring the Brontës to the world and the world to Yorkshire” through events, exhibitions and partnership projects. (Richard Moss)
Incidentally, The Daily Mirror and Financial Times mention the anniversary too.

The writer Nicci Gerrard explains her experience in University Challenge in The Guardian:
I woke up one night convinced that the Brontë sisters would come up (they didn’t, of course) and made sure I knew obscure facts about them.
The News on Sunday (Pakistan) lists some British literary locations:
 Back on the highway, we left the lakes behind us, heading towards West Yorkshire and our final stop – the Brontë Parsonage in Haworth. Tucked away in a sweep of steep hills, this tiny village melts into the dramatic landscape that surrounds it; a landscape of lonely moors and rugged peaks, featured in the works of the Brontë sisters. Up the sloping cobbled roads, at the top of the village, sits the Brontë Parsonage, where Charlotte, Emily, and Anne lived out their short adult lives. (...)
The first room you see after passing through the entrance hall is the dining room, where – as we learned – the sisters used to pace around the table planning their novels. The black sofa is the same one where Emily died, at the young age of 30. The house is filled with such memorabilia, and the museum has preserved countless interesting artifacts from the Brontë’s time, from dresses to diaries to hand-drawn portraits.
Where the memory of the sisters really comes alive, though, is outside the museum walls, in the wildness of the moors and the lonely rolling hills. Leaving the museum, it felt like we could see evening close in around us. Clouds were gathering quickly, and we decided to take one last walk before it started to rain. We hiked towards Top Withens, which is said to be the inspiration behind Wuthering Heights. As we scrambled up the hills, the wind picked up, and you could imagine all kinds of voices in the howling noise. A storm was coming, but we walked on as long as we could, caught up in the eerie mood of our surroundings. No one said a word, but I knew we were all feeling the same excitement and awe. (Meher Ali)
The Daily Mail lists some of the possible hits for 2016. In the dance category:
Jane Eyre
Northern Ballet, touring May 19 to June 18
Charlotte Brontë’s romance of the prim governess who falls for tragically married Mr Rochester transformed into dance. (Rupert Christiansen)
The Irish Independent quotes The Professor:
 'You know full well as I do the value of sisters' affections," cooed Charlotte Brontë. "There is nothing like it in this world."
A Malaysian student explains how he improved his English in The Star:
Growing up, I was a loner andwasn’t naturally a sociable person. But I didn’t mind, for I was occupied in my own little world of reading.
I remember reading Enid Blyton’s books as a child and then, reading the abridged version of Jane Eyre when I was seven.
Needless to say, English became my favourite subject at school and I excelled at it.
However, I still lost marks because I was not careful. (Muhammad Nur Raziq Marzuki)
Zaman (Turkey) mentions Wide Sargasso Sea:
Bence, roman kişilerinin bizimle sürüp giden yaşamaları var. Bazan bu yaşama, yazarın yeni bir roman yazmasına bile yol açabiliyor. Edebî değeri çok sonra anlaşılmış Jean Rhys Geniş, Geniş Bir Deniz'de ünlü Jane Eyre'in silik bir kişisini, malikânenin üst katındaki deli kadını baş role çıkarmış.
Geniş, Geniş Bir Deniz çok etkileyici bir romandır. Jane Eyre'in etkisiyle mi yazılmıştır, bilinemez. Ne var ki, çatı katındaki deli kadın, Brontë'nin eserinden sonra da yaşamış, nihayet kendi romancısını Jean Rhys'ta bulmuştur… (Selim İleri) (Translation) 


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