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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday, January 31, 2016 11:28 am by M. in , , , , ,    1 comment
The New Haven Register reviews the performances of The Moors by Jen Silverman:
Playwright Jen Silverman has lived all over the world — moving in and out of Asia, Europe and the U.S. with her physicist parents. It’s interesting then that her new play, “The Moors,” is set, as one might guess by its title, in the 1840s Moorland region of England, just like Emily Brontë’s “Wuthering Heights.”
The play, which started performances Friday in its world premiere production at Yale Repertory Theatre, is no period piece, despite the Victorian costumes and hairdos. (...)
As one may also have guessed, Silverman has read her share of the Brontë sisters’ various works and some of it has obviously seeped into “The Moors.” Two main characters, the resolutely alone Agatha (Kelly McAndrew) and the desperately lonely Huldey (Birgit Huppuch), are spinster sisters who live with their older, never-seen brother Branwell and his equally elusive offspring. Then there is the newly hired governess, Emilie (Miriam Silverman), who is probably very good with children. Last, but not least of the human characters, is Marjory (Hannah Cabell), the scullery maid who, when under the cover of a different hat, doubles as the parlor maid. (E. Kyle Minor)
The Lawrence Journal-World talks about the local writer Kate Russell:
Growing up outside a tiny hamlet near Bangor, Maine, Kate Russell lived quietly. Her existence there was rural and isolated — the family home located “literally,” she says, in the middle of the woods — but even secluded from the noise of town, her mind was buzzing with activity.
There were no neighbors. No kids her age to play with. So she wrote, fueled by the literary tradition of her native New England, Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters, and the sweeping drama of Broadway musicals such as “Phantom of the Opera” and “Les Misérables." (Joanna Hlavacek)
The Toronto Sun lists several recent Victorian monster mash-ups:
Jane Slayre by Sherri Browning Erwin (2010) – Yes, Jane’s still a governess. And yes, she’s been hired by Mr. Rochester. And yes, something’s in the attic.
Wuthering Bites by Sarah Gray (2010) – Heathcliff returns to Wuthering Heights, conflicted over the legacy of his vampire-hunting mom and vampire dad. (Jim Slotek)
This journalist of The Irish Independent is Kondo-nizing her house. We don't really get it (BrontëBlog's quarters are certainly the most unKondo thing you can imagine) but anyway:
My mother read around her. Political biographies, family sagas, legal thrillers, Jane Austen, the Brontës - her tastes were wide and varied. By the time she retired, she said that she had read everything that the local library had to offer and permitted herself the indulgence of purchasing the books that she wanted. But as soon as she had finished one, she would walk down to the bookshop in Dalkey and trade it in against another. (Katy McGuinness)
Bild (in German) announces the release of the German translation of Jolien Janzing's De MeesterDie geheime Liebe der Charlotte Brontë,
Ihren berühmten Roman „Jane Eyre“ kennen viele, nicht zuletzt wegen der Verfilmung mit Michael Fassbender. Aber wer war die Schriftstellerin Charlotte Brontë, die vor 200 Jahren in England lebte? Ein Roman erzählt nun von entscheidenden Jahren der irischen Pfarrerstochter: Wie sie nach Brüssel kam, um sich als Gouvernante ausbilden zu lassen, und sich unglücklich in ihren verheirateten Professor verliebte. (Julia Meyer-Hermann) (Translation)
The Sunday Times lists Yuki Chan in Brontë Country in its fiction at a glance section; The Little Professor argues the case for Mr Brocklehurst being inconsistent; ......Sharp Elves Society ...... Jane Austen's Shadow Stories finds connections between John Wilcot's A Ramble in St. James's Park and Jane Eyre. Writer's Block posts about The Madwoman in the Attic as a post-colonial reading of Jane Eyre. The Random Review reviews Jane Eyre 2011. The Book Experience posts about the original novel.

1 comment:

  1. We would to help including in relation to there may be this newly used governess, Emilie (Miriam Silverman), who's going to be likely top notch having little ones. Past, but is not lowest on the people personas, is usually Marjory (Hannah Cabell), this scullery house maid exactly who, as soon as beneath handle of any unique do not lik, doubles for the reason that shop house maid.
