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Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Keighley News has an article on Jolien Janzing's book, Charlotte Brontë's Secret Love:
Charlotte Brontë’s Secret Love, translated from Dutch by Paul Vincent, focuses on the eldest of the Brontë sisters, whose birth bicentenary will be celebrated by the Brontë Parsonage on April 21 this year.
Previously titled The Master, Charlotte Brontë’s Secret Love looks at Charlotte’s escape from the “safe but oppressive life in her father’s house” in Haworth to embark on an adventure in Brussels.
The author begins the book with observations of its main character, a woman she describes as neither beautiful nor exquisite, rich and spoilt, but not unattractive either.
And so begins the journey into a tantalising episode into the lives of two of the greatest 19th century authors, Charlotte and her sister Emily who accompanies her to Brussels.
The author tells of the siblings’ time in an elegant boarding house where Charlotte fell in love with her teacher, a family man who was initially intrigued by the English sisters. (David Knights)
Planning Resource announces that
A dwelling in west Yorkshire dating largely from the 18th century with some 19th century alterations, having connections to the Bronte sisters, would be adversely affected by the construction of a new house within its grounds, an inspector ruled.
The grade II listed building had a ‘polite’ and attractive front façade and its scale and architectural detailing denoted a building of some status with some association with the Bronte sisters when it was originally used as a school, two of the girls having attended it in the early 19th century. The proposed two storey dwelling would appear as a ‘clumsy incursion’ into the garden which would result in the front garden appearing disproportionately small. Overall, the building would appear as an insensitive and intrusive feature resulting in substantial harm to the setting of the listed building. In this context its architectural detailing was judged to be more important than its historical association with the Bronte sisters. The overshadowing of an adjacent residential garden added to the inspector's concerns and she dismissed the appeal.
All seems to point out to Heald's House in Dewsbury Moor, where Miss Wooler moved the Roe Head School in 1837,

Bustle thinks that Wuthering Heights can be listed among "Romantic Books That Will Make Even The Biggest Cynics Feel The Love"
Heathcliff and Catherine! The English moors! The agony and the ecstasy! Talk about star-cross lovers. It’s haunting, poetic, and oh so romantic. (Dina Gachman)
We are not quite sure. And neither is Daily Bruin:
The novel is exceptional in that none of its characters are likable. From the narrator to the servants to the main characters, each is presented in a manner that highlights his or her faults. Somehow, the characters’ flaws draw the reader in. One cannot help but search for redemption to be found within the characters and, upon being disappointed, pity their existence.
By the end of the novel, I found myself wanting Heathcliff to die for all of the evils he had committed against those around him, like tricking a naïve girl into marrying him by pretending to care for her and then treating her cruelly after she has served her purpose. At the same time, the torment Heathcliff appears to suffer from is not pleasant to read about. Readers may wish he situation could be different, that Heathcliff could be kind and loved in return. (...)
Wuthering Heights” is a brutish masterpiece that left me both impressed and appalled. (Umbreen Ali)
Bloody Disgusting lists the best genre movies of 2015. Crimson Peak is among them:
Here’s a film that feels like it was made just for me. Like a love letter to classic novels like Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, and Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, the latest film from fan favorite Guillermo del Toro is a stunning gothic romance with ghosts tucked away in its crevices.(Kalyn Corrigan
moviepilot (Germany) recommends Jane Eyre 2011 broadcast on the digital television channel EinsFestival. 50 Books Challenge posts about Jane Eyre, My Thoughts... Literally! posts a good review of Worlds of Ink and Shadow. Finally, Richard Wilcocks reviews Helen MacEwan's Winifred Gérin Biographer of the Brontës on The Brontë Parsonage Blog 

1 comment:

  1. The novel is exceptional in that none of its characters are likable...

    I protest. Nelly Dean is likable. She's there in part to be likable...like Bessie in the Reed household. The Brontes would disparage people,Lord knows but usually they were soft on servants...they had better or they would hear about from Tabby
