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Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday, January 11, 2016 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments
The latest issue of Discover Britain (February-March 2016) contains a report on the wonders of Yorkshire: Northern Soul:
It is the landscape that abounds with natural wonders and wild moorland. Nancy Alsop roams the county that raised the Brontë sisters to channel the spirit of Heathcliff and Cathy.
The Haworth Parsonage is described like this:
The Brontë sisters – Charlotte, Emily and Anne – were three of the most astonishing 19th century contributors to the English literary canon. Charlotte and Emily, in particular, penned extraordinary Gothic tales of high drama and visceral passions through the pages of Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. It’s hard to reconcile these subversives, whose stories highlighted the social injustice and religious hypocrisy of the time to outraged reviews, with the women who, from 1820, lived quietly at Haworth Parsonage, in the then-industrial village on the edge of the Pennine moors in West Yorkshire, and went on to die young. Guests can visit the parsonage where they wrote their novels, published under the pseudonyms Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell, and later explore the quaint village itself, as well as the surrounding dramatic
moors, upon which it takes no imaginative leap to conjure a wild Heathcliff roaming. 


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