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Saturday, January 02, 2016

The Guardian interviews the actress, model and businesswoman Lily Cole:
Who would you invite to your dream dinner party? (Rosanna Greenstreet)
Bob Marley, Desmond Tutu, Michael Jackson, Nelson Mandela, Emmeline Pankhurst, Emily Brontë, Vladimir Nabokov, Buddha, Ada Lovelace.
Also in The Guardian Kathryn Hughes gives examples of how nineteenth century literature is more daring that you thought:
Anne Brontë, usually seen as the meekest of the literary sisters, provides a harrowing account of brutal alcoholism in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, based on her experience of living and working alongside her brother Branwell.
The Guardian also talks about the new exhibition Drawing on Childhood at the Foundling Museum in London and remembers:
 My own childhood was spent with foster parents and in care; my 2014 Foundling Museum commission, Superman Was a Foundling, lists many fictional characters who were fostered, adopted, in children’s homes or orphaned in popular culture. The names now fill the museum cafeteria from floor to ceiling: Luke Skywalker, Frodo Baggins, Batman, Spider-Man, Cinderella, Pippi Longstocking, Princess Leia, Jane Eyre, David Copperfield, Jamal Malik ... (Lemn Sissay)
And Heathcliff, by the way.

The Daily Express lists some of the anniversaries of the year:
Author Charlotte Brontë was born in Haworth, Yorkshire, 200 years ago. (Jane Warren)
Ops, not in Haworth. Charlotte was born in Thornton.

The Telegraph lists the best walks for winter:
22. Brontë Walk, Haworth, Yorkshire (8 Miles)
This year (2016) marks another literary anniversary, the 200th anniversary of Charlotte Brontë’s birth. Her spirit lives on, with those of her sisters and brother, on Haworth Moors – at their wildest and most atmospheric in winter and the inspiration for so much of the Brontës’ work. Heading out west from the pub, past Lower Laithe Reservoir and then back through Stanbury to the Museum Parsonage, you will pass, on the return, the Brontë Waterfall described by Charlotte as a “perfect torrent racing over the rocks, white and beautiful”.
Start/Finish: Fleece Inn (01535 642172, fleeceinnhaworth.co.uk) ;OS Explorer Map OL21 (Richard Madden)
Stroud News and Journal remembers the figure of the writer Laurie Lee:
No greater accolade could be bestowed upon a writer, than the opening paragraph of his obituary in The Times: "Not since Emily Brontë or Thomas Hardy has an English writer become as indelibly associated with an area of countryside as Laurie Lee. (Jamie Wiseman)
Los Angeles Review of Books describes the webseries based on classics phenomenon:
In its wake have followed series based on everything from Carmilla and Jane Eyre to Little Women and Peter Pan, most of which operate on the same conceit: a classic text is updated, with the main character (usually written as a college student) starting a vlog and addressing the viewer directly as the story unfolds. Major plot points and characters are rewritten to fit into a 21st-century internet-saturated world, and for the most part, the stories work — they’re charming, well acted, and profitable for their producers through sponsorship deals. (Alissa Wilkinson)
Daily Sabah (Turkey) also remembers an important local figure, the actor Kartal Tibet:
Tibet successfully acted in a vast range of roles in various genres. Among these, his most memorable performance featured him as a manic-depressive male in "Ölmeyen Aşk" (Undying Love, 1966). The film - an adaptation of Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights - was produced by Ertem Eğilmez and directed by Metin Erksan, two of the greatest Turkish filmmakers of all time.
El Norte de Castilla (Spain) presents the new novel by Eva Delgado, Donde mueren los recuerdos:
Si la primera [novela]  fue romántica, se ha permitido en esta segunda un guiño personal y anacrónico, meter su novela fetiche ‘Cumbres borrascosas’, «aunque en ese momento no había llegado a España». (Victoria M. Niño) (Translation)
La Región (Spain) recommends reading:
Pero si lo que les apetece es dramón, háganse con “Jane Eyre” de Charlotte Brontë y desconecten el móvil.  (Cristina Carro) (Translation)
Emily posts an interesting response to the NPG's claims of new research on Branwell Brontës's Pillar Portrait.


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