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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sunday, December 20, 2015 9:00 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
The Huffington Post (Italy) recommends the new Italian translation of Shirley:
Dopo aver ripubblicato con successo Villette e Jane Eyre, la casa editrice Fazi ha deciso di far conoscere ai suoi lettori anche questo romanzo della celebre scrittrice vittoriana di cui, il prossimo anno, ricorrerà il bicentenario della nascita. Due donne sono al centro della storia, vero e proprio manifesto femminista ante litteram: Caroline – bella e giovane, ma adottata e povera, innamorata di Robert, proprietario di una filanda e grande sostenitore della rivoluzione industriale, che non può ricambiare il suo amore – e Shirley - quella del titolo, anche lei orfana, ma ricca, un’ereditiera che in molti cercheranno di conquistare, ma il suo cuore batte per una persona insospettabile…Lasciatevi conquistare anche voi da questa storia molto british ambientata nello Yorkshire a inizio dell’Ottocento, una storia che si legge in pochissimo tempo nonostante le quasi settecento pagine. Finirete col divorarlo anche voi in pochi giorni, come fece Van Gogh che consigliò in una lettera a suo fratello Theo la lettura di questo libro (pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1849), uno dei più belli della scrittrice inglese più amata dalla Woolf “per la sua poesia”, prima che per tutto il resto. Imperdibile. (Giuseppe Fantasia) (Translation)
A second Brontë sighting in a review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. In the Sydney Morning Herald:
Harrison Ford's chronic grumpiness is usefully employed. And Abrams' combination of old and up-and-coming stars effects a successful marriage of past and future. We discover something of what Han and Leia have been up to for the past 30 years. We have a villain who comes across as a sci-fi Heathcliff in Adam Driver's Kylo Ren and a new-model heroine in Daisy Ridley's Rey. (Sandra Hall)
The Charleston Gazette-Mail tells the story of Perry Mann, a World War II veteran:
On Sunday, December 7, 1941, I was living at 1904 Washington St. E. in Charleston. On that day I had walked to a local theatre to see, I believe, Wuthering Heights. On my way home I met a school mate who informed me that Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor.
Where is Pearl Harbor? And what does this mean for my future?
The Toronto Star reviews Beatlebone by Kevin Barry:
Beatlebone’s narrative runs on the exuberance of Barry’s unbridled imagination. Loaded with references, quotes and lyrics — from John mimicking Kate Bush’s vocals in her song “Wuthering Heights,” to sheep looking like “teddy boys bedraggled in the rain, dequiffed by mist,” Barry whips them into a vigorous narrative that’s intelligent and connected to his characters, time and place. (Elizabeth Barrett)
Jessica Liberty writes in the Daily Mail about the 'daddy damage' syndrome:
So why do I keep choosing – or being chosen by – men whose own sadness means they cannot focus on my needs and who therefore find it hard to see me as I really am?
Looking back, I grew up with an unrealistic idea of men, mostly based on romantic fiction (where the most interesting heroes tend to be difficult or tortured – think Heathcliff, Darcy, Rochester…). 
The Guardian has a literary quiz of sorts, made by writers which includes this question:
5. Which classic novel did Mark Twain dislike so intensely that he wanted “to dig up [its author] and hit her over the skull with her own shin-bone”?
Jane Eyre
Pride and Prejudice
Posta (Turkey) lists some gifts for Christmas:
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë’nin 1847’de yayımladığı romandır. Victoria dönemi İngiltere’sinde farklı sınıftan iki kişi arasındaki aşkı anlatır. Üstelik yazarın hatından esinlenerek kaleme alınmıştır ki, bu genç kızları çok etkiler. (Ferhan Kaya Poroy) (Translation)
Origo (Hungary) lists good movies in Hungarian cinemas, including Crimson Peak:
A Bíborhegy nem horror, annak nem elég félelmetes. Guillermo Del Toro (Hellboy, A Faun labirintusa) valójában egy csodaszép, ugyanakkor néha meghökkentően gótikus románcot készített, amelyben nem azért vannak szellemek, hogy ránk hozzák a frászt, hanem hogy a múlt bűneire emlékeztessenek. Gondolja azt, hogy a Jane Eyre rémálomszerű verziójára váltott jegyet, és hagyja, hogy a túláradó érzelmek által keltett gyilkos örvény, illetve a hihetetlen látványvilág elragadja. (Varga Dénes) (Translation)
 the Brontë Sisters posts some historic photographs of Haworth. Poor Rude Lines posts about the 2013 poetry book Professor Heger’s Daughter by Chrissie Gittins. Change the Word reviews Jane Eyre. The Brontë Society website publishes the monthly (November) Garden Diary.


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