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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015 10:44 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
A speech on 'the era of women' by Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, is reported by Tech in Asia. According to him,
When I was studying English, there was a simple novel that was a must-read called Jane Eyre. From that to Harry Potter today, all women have made great contributions to England’s history. After the first industrial revolution, women in England went from wearing skirts to wearing pants, which was a big step forward.
We hope there's something the matter with the translation as Jane Eyre is anything but simple.

Female First has a short article by romance writer Poppy Summers:
My obsession with period novels started when I read Wuthering Heights at aged thirteen. Heathcliff was the anti-hero - dark, smouldering, sexy and so, so bad. He wanted Cathy with a passionate abandon that took over his entire life. Mr. Rochester was just as hot and brooding, especially when Orson Welles donned the mantel (and the breeches) in the 1943 film to seduce Joan Fontaine as Jane Eyre. The Brontë sisters knew how to write their men. I think they were ahead of their time in that respect and I think they set a template for the classic hero in fiction.
Belfast Telegraph finds a Brontëite in BBC broadcaster Kim Lenaghan.
My best book
Either The Great Gatsby or Jane Eyre. I love Jane Eyre and read it first when I was 11 or 12 and it was the first book that I stayed up all night to finish. (Kerry McKittrick)
Nonfiction (France) writes about a recent stage performance:
S’est déroulée vendredi au théâtre de l’Odéon une rencontre avec Angélica Liddell, animée par Arnaud Laporte (journaliste à France Culture). Les Scènes imaginaires proposent d’explorer l’univers d’un artiste à travers des textes qu’il choisit. Au programme ce soir là, Le Pavillon d’or de Yukio Mishima, Hypérion de Friedrich Hölderlin, Les Hauts de Hurlevent, d’Emily Brontë, Tandis que j’agonise de William Faulkner, des passages de la Bible et du dernier texte de Liddell, Mes yeux, blancs comme ton sperme. (Marie Du Boucher) (Translation)
This columnist from The News writes about her daughters singing Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights.
They sing Wuthering Heights (we all do, thank whichever higher power you do or don’t believe in that you’re in there with us), in their best spooky voices, and they warble along to Emeli Sande, who happens to be one of my youngest’s favourites. (Verity Lush)
According to Booktrib, Jane Eyre needs more sex:
Jane Eyre might be the original wealthy-boss-meets-timid-employee romance, where the boss is kind of a jerk and the girl still reluctantly falls in love with him. It’s like an infinitely better Fifty Shades of Grey, but with less bondage scarves and more mad-wives hidden in the attic. Still, the heat it there through all of their encounters—Rochester is an ass, Jane stands up for herself, and the two of them practically sizzle in this centuries-old novel. You can just imagine him throwing her up against the nearest imposing stone castle wall. Ahem. Plus poor Jane could definitely use some loving after everything Rochester puts her through. (Rachel Carter)
Books and Banters shares some initial thoughts on Wide Sargasso Sea.


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