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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Saturday, November 28, 2015 12:13 pm by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
The Yorkshire Post interviews Jolien Janzing, author of Charlotte Brontë's Secret Love:
Dutch journalist Jolien Janzing sat on the steps of the city’s cathedral to eat a sandwich and got into conversation with one of the priests. That chat turned out to be quite significant as it eventually led to the publication of her second novel.
“The priest told me that in the 19th century Charlotte Brontë had been to confession in the cathedral. She wasn’t a Catholic and I wondered why she would do that,” says Janzing who had long been a fan of the Brontës, having first read Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights when she was 11. “So then I started to read everything I could about Charlotte Brontë. I began my research about seven years ago and the book was published in 2013.”
The novel, Charlotte Brontë’s Secret Love, which has now been translated into English by Paul Vincent, tells the story of a little-known chapter in Charlotte’s life when she persuaded her sister Emily to accompany her to Brussels to study French. (...)
“Sometimes people ask me if I think those novels would have existed without Monsieur Heger,” says Janzing. “I think not those novels – she would have written other novels, but he was such a huge influence on her and the experience made her more mature. She must have learned so much in so little time and seen the world through other eyes.And she was so heartbroken when she returned home; that makes a writer write better – you have to have some experience in life.”  (Yvette Huddleston)
Via Bookseller we have found this one hundred list of best novels of the last 200 years by Hatchard's. Including a couple of Brontës:
Jane Eyre (1847). Charlotte Brontë
Suicide, madness, passion and morality form a heady mix in this story of an orphan who rises above adversity to the position of governess in a gloomy and mysterious manor house. There she meets the enigmatic Mr. Rochester, sparks begin to fly and events take a further turn toward the gothic.
Wuthering Heights (1847). Emily Brontë
Wuthering Heights is a blustery, tempestuous exploration of love and revenge. Heathcliff and Catherine are doomed from the start, as are the younger Catherine and Linton, a generation later. That this should be Emily’s only novel is as much a tragedy as it is a triumph.
Natasha Carthew in The Guardian lists a top ten of revenge reads in... children's books? Wuthering Heights?
Wuthering Heights may be more usually thought of as a romantic novel but it revenge that leads the protagonists to their dismal fate that captivates. Brontë shows there is no peace in eternal vengeance and that, in the end, the self-injury involved in serving revenge’s purposes will be more damaging than the original wrong. Genius.
Entrepreneur utilizes the Brontë myth as examples of isolated creators:
When I heard this, I couldn’t help but think of Hemingway’s move to Paris in the 1920s, and how it changed the course of his life forever. But for every Hemingway in Paris, there’s a Brontë in Haworth. In spite of what we’ve been told, creative success rarely happens in isolation. It is often the result of complex systems and networks. There are no lone geniuses -- only collaborative communities that seemingly produce extraordinary individuals.
But what network did the Brontë sisters, living in rural England in the 1850s, have? Certainly not the host of influential artists and authors Hemingway was privy to in 1920s Paris. What team of mentors led to their inarguable contribution to the world of literature? Well, for one, they had each other. (Jeff Goins)
Big Issue North talks about the latest winners of the 2015 ACoRP Community Rail Awards:
Other northern winners include Ellesmere Port, named the “most enhanced station building”, Grange-over-Sands, which won the best station garden and the large floral displays award with the Brontë Garden at Sowerby Bridge, named after Branwell Brontë – brother of Emily, Charlotte and Anne – who worked as a railway clerk at the station winning second place. Orrell Park Regeneration Group came third with its traditional planting and wildlife garden around the station and banking areas.
Marie Claire recommends winter reads
Wuthering Heights isn't a perfect love story - far from it - and that's what still continues to captivate its readers. Cathy and Heathcliff's relationship isn't remotely pretty: their love is as weathered and ragged as the remote Yorkshire moor it plays out on - and just as wild and destructive. As their relationship frays, it crescendoes just like a howling storm. Emily Brontë's tale of all-consuming love is an intoxicating read.
The Australian reviews Alexandra Harris's Weatherland: Writers & Artists Under English Skies:
Woolf was undoubtedly weather-smart, as were so many of the artists and writers Harris looks at, from Charlotte Brontë, who couldn’t abide Jane Austen’s novels for their lack of fresh air (though Harris, rightly, disagrees), to James Thomson, whose now little known poem The Seasons had an enormous influence in the 18th and 19th centuries. (Gregory Day)
El País's Babelia (Spain) reviews Ángeles Caso's Todo ese Fuego:
Ángeles Caso elige un día del año 1846. “¡La plancha está caliente!”, dice Emily Brontë gritando para que la oiga Charlotte. Dominan la escena los ruidos producidos por el trajín de todos los días. (...)
Sentimos todo eso con plenitud, el espacio de la rectoral, el cementerio, el paisaje, y el carácter turbulento de las Brontë porque la narración es viva y variada. Todo por obra y gracia de un narrador, muy cercano a la propia autora, que deja sus marcas en el texto y convida al lector a identificarse con él. El narrador ordena el caos, explica lo inaccesible, nos emociona y nos hace reflexionar, establece diferencias de estilo y carácter entre las hermanas, convierte a esos seres míticos en seres de carne y hueso, establece categorías (los dóciles y los rebeldes, los unitarios y los divididos); en definitiva, nos hace sentir “el peso inmenso de la rectoral de Haworth”. (Lluís Satorras) (Translation)
Festive walks in Brontë Country. As read in Keighley News:
The first of three guided walks for the festive season will take place on December 12 in Brontëland.
Candlemass Eve, being held on December 12, is a circular five-mile walk setting off at 10.30am from the Visitor Information Centre at the top of Main Street in Haworth.
David Anderson will lead a slightly undulating stroll to Oxenhope and back in time for carols around the tree.
Mince Pies Walk No 6 is a five-mile circular walk on December 16, led by Gillian Dale and and David Anderson, who will meet walkers at Eaves car park, Hawkesworth Road, just outside Baildon, at 10.30am for a walk via Sconce.
The final walk is to Brontë Falls on December 26, a circular five-mile walk trek with Phil Hatton, which begins at 11am outside Haworth Parish Church and will involve "punch, mince pies and general revelry". (David Knights)
BlogHer lists 'romantic places to visit in the UK for literature lovers':
Haworth. Think sweeping moorland teeming with restless lovelorn spirits, quaint cobbled, village streets and rolling, rocky hillside. It was here where the Brontë sisters lived and wrote, inspired by the intense Yorkshire landscape and frustrations of village life. Poet Sylvia Plath, who is buried close by, was known to have loved Haworth and it has become something of an unofficial pilgrimage for misunderstood writers worldwide. Make sure to pack a sturdy pair of walking boots and head up to Top Withens, a site with truly astounding views that inspired Emily Brontë’s turbulent novel Wuthering Heights.          
Origo (Hungary) mentions Crimson Peak:
Gondolja azt, hogy a Jane Eyre rémálomszerű verziójára váltott jegyet, és hagyja, hogy a túláradó érzelmek által keltett gyilkos örvény, illetve és a hihetetlen látványvilág elragadja. (Varga Dénes) (Translation)


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