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Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday, October 19, 2015 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments
More recent conferences with Brontë-related talks:
International Conference on NarrativeChicago, Illinois, March 5-8, 2015

“More than words had power to express”: The Unnarratable in Brontë’s Jane EyreHelen H. Davis, Wilkes University
Ekphrasis, Portraiture, and the Limits of Character Description: Charlotte Brontë Meets Vincent van Gogh
Rebecca Rainof, The Catholic University of America
Charlotte Brontë’s Bilingualism
William A. Cohen, University of Maryland 
British Women Writers Conference 2015
June 24-27, 2015
Hosted by The Graduate Center of the City University of New York at The Heyman Center, Columbia University

Dialogic Exchanges in the Brontës
Moderator: Lauren Hoffer (University of South Carolina, Beaufort)
Anna Clark (Iona College), “Lucy and the Minor Heroines: Dialogic Influence in Villette
Rebecca Beach (University of Kentucky), “Jane Eyre: ‘Questioner and Caviller’”
Kate Lawson (University of Waterloo), “A Sequel to Wuthering Heights: Charlotte Brontë’s Shirley

Critical Relations: Brontë Scholarship and Interventions in Victorian Studies
Organizers: Lauren Hoffer (University of South Carolina – Beaufort) and Elizabeth Meadows  (Vanderbilt University)
Moderators: Talia Schaffer (CUNY Graduate Center and Queens College, CUNY) and Deborah Denenholz Morse (College of William and Mary)
Dana Woodcock (The University of Washington), “Creating Bertha: Jane Eyre‘s Epistemology of Madness”
Flora Armetta (Stella & Charles Guttman Community College, CUNY), “‘Dear as Friends’: Accomplishment, Art, and Reciprocity in Charlotte Brontë”
Patricia Bredar (University of Colorado, Boulder), “Dreaming of Dawn: Time and Landscape in Charlotte Brontë’s Shirley
Elizabeth M. Cuddy (Hampton University), “Playing with History in the Brontë Juvenilia”
Deborah Denenholz Morse (College of William and Mary), “Reimagining Emily Brontë in Mary Sinclair’s The Three Sisters, Jane Urquhart’s Changing Heaven, Stevie Davies’s Four Dreamers and Emily, and Denise Giardina’s Emily’s Ghost”

Re-Conceptualizing Marital Relations in the Brontë Novels
Moderator: Elizabeth Meadows (Vanderbilt University)
Beth Lau (California State University, Long Beach), “Troubled Relations: The Failed-Marriage Plot in the Brontë Novels”
Lauren Hoffer (University of South Carolina, Beaufort), “Freedom in Isolation: Remarriage in the Brontës’ Major Novels”
Andrew Doub (Brigham Young University – Idaho), “‘I Could do with Less Caressing’: Sexual Violence in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall


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