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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015 7:57 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
The Wall Street Journal's Speakeasy features Guillermo del Toro's Crimson Peak and gives us some background on the director's taste for the Gothic genre.
Crimson Peak,” which opens in wide release this week, is the result of Del Toro’s decades long obsession with Gothic fiction. He was 4 years old when he watched his first film in the genre, “Wuthering Heights.” The filmmaker read works such as “Great Expectations” and “Jane Eyre” before moving on to Ann Radcliffe, E.T.A. Hoffmann and Anya Seton. “There’s a whole bookshelf in my library that is just Gothic romance and the study of Gothic romance,” Del Toro says. (Michael Calia)
The Guardian interviews the actress Anne-Marie Duff:
And her latest TV drama for the BBC, From Darkness, is no brighter. Duff plays an ex-copper who she says is repressed: “She’s burying things deep down but, of course, they come scratching back at the window, like Wuthering Heights.” (Megan Conner)
Comics Alliance reviews Kate Beaton's Step Aside, Pops.
Beaton writes literary criticism in comics form, with sharp observations delivered almost as a byproduct of the humor.
And so her Lois Lane is too busy covering a triple homicide to deal with Superman’s weird mind-games; her Pride and Prejudice characters are aghast at those crazy Wuthering Heights characters; Achilles is a lunatic; Narcís Monturiol i Estarriol is bummed that everyone thinks his submarine invention is silly; and early aviatrix Katherine Sui Fun Cheung is so confident she bursts onto the set of Top Gun and starts flexing. (J. Caleb Mozzocco)
El plural (Spain) interviews writer Ángeles Caso about her novel Todo ese fuego.
Pero, ¿por qué Ángeles Caso eligió a estas hermanas para su nueva novela? Son unos personajes asombrosos, yo les tenía una gran admiración como escritoras y siempre me parecía que tuvieron mérito y valor escribiendo en la vida que tenían que todo era tan difícil. y hace tres años visité su casa en Haworth y una vez allí que vi el espacio en el que vivirán y trabajaban pensé quiero escribir una novela sobre estas mujeres. Fue muy atrevido escribir una novela sobre novelistas, debí ser un poco inconsciente en aquel momento, de hecho, no hay novelas sobre las Brontë.
¿Qué recomendarías de las hermanas Brontë a alguien que no la leído nada sobre ellas? Me gusta mucho ‘Jane Eyre’, ‘Cumbres Borrascosas’ me parece una obra maestra y como tal está considerada y luego la poesía de Emily es impresionante pero solo hay una edición parcial en España. (A. Godoy) (Translation)
The Baltimore Sun's language blog features the word 'gormless' and quotes from Wuthering Heights (in which it is spelt as gaumless though). Bookish Beck reviews the National Theatre's Jane Eyre production.


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