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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wednesday, October 14, 2015 10:29 am by Cristina in , ,    No comments
You can catch Andrea Arnold's take on Wuthering Heights tonight at 12.45 on Film Four (UK). This is the brief summary in Radio Times, which gives it 3 stars.
You can feel the elements in Andrea Arnold's brave, stripped-down adaptation of Emily Brontë's classic novel, a tumultuous love story set on the Yorkshire moors.  
The Independent looks at Jane Austen's Mr Darcy through the ages as it is 20 years since the now legendary portrayal of him by Colin Firth.
Macfadyen's portrayal a decade later seems merely to ape Firth's, hosing him down with added Brontë. (Devoney Looser)
IndieWire's The Playlist reviews Guillermo del Toro's Crimson Peak and finds it
 built on the bedrock of a Brontë-esque relationship, with the typical underlying hints of violence and treachery embellished and amplified. (Russ Fischer)
Based on Jonathan Bate's new biography of him, this is how The New York Times describes Ted Hughes:
Hughes (1930-1998) was elemental in other ways. Hulking, Heathcliff-like, he had large ink-stained hands and a face “like an Easter Island statue,” as one of his lovers put it. A lock of hair consistently flopped over one eye. (Dwight Garner)
The Pilot News reviews the book The Hired Girl by Laura Amy Schlitz
I’ll bet it took me seventy pages before I noticed that “The Hired Girl” might be a book for young adults. That’s where you’ll probably find it in bookstores and libraries but you know what…? It won’t matter. You’ll eat this book right up.
How could you not, when this novel is led by a sassy, independent character reminiscent of every classic literary heroine you’ve ever loved? Yes, that’s what author Laura Amy Schlitz brings to these pages in the form of a young girl’s diary and vivid settings that will remind you of Brontë and Dickinson works. (Terri Schlichenmeyer)
Ángeles Caso's Todo ese fuego is today's book of the day on El diario Vasco's Mirando a la bahía.
El libro de hoy: Todo ese fuego de Ángeles Caso (Planeta) El sugerente relato de las vida de las tres hermanas Brontë, tres mujeres de un talento excepcional y que lucharon contra la rígida sociedad dela Inglaterra victoriana y que consiguieron convertirse en grandes escritoras en un mundo hecho por y para hombres. (Carolina Isasi) (Translation)
The Post reports that the Feminist and Queer Tour of Alden Library’s Rare Book Vault includes
books from Charlotte Brontë while she was using the pseudonym Currer Bell, as well as a few works from former students. (Elizabeth Backo)
One-novel authors, including Emily Brontë, in Sri Lanka's Daily News. Sardines Magazine reviews the National Youth Theatre production of Wuthering Heights. CultNoise Magazine posts about the original Emily Brontë novel. Stepabout reviews Jane Eyre.


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