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Tuesday, September 08, 2015

On Thursday, Queen Elizabeth II will be Great Britain's longest-reigning monarch, surpassing even Queen Victoria. And so The Independent compares their reigns.
Culturally, Victoria's was a glorious reign – the time of Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy, the Brontë sisters and George Eliot, Lord Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Christina Rossetti, JMW Turner, William Morris, Lewis Carroll and Oscar Wilde. (Andy McSmith)
The Guardian reports on a recent discussion on feminism between Roxane Gay and Erica Jong.
At first glance it seemed like an ideal pairing for a discussion about feminism’s place in American culture. And indeed, for the first portion of the conversation, Gay and Jong chatted fairly amiably about feminism’s emerging accommodation of older women and Jong’s own identification with Clarice Lispector, Virginia Woolf and Charlotte Brontë. (Anna Schachner)
The Herald (Scotland) recommends Kate Beaton's Step Aside, Pops in which
She skits on historical and literary figures – from Napoleon to Cathy and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights – in the sharp, spry, short comic strips that make up Step Aside, Pops. Byron, Wonder Woman, Cinderella and the Black Prince all turn up at various points and all are mined lovingly for humour. She also draws a great Janet Jackson. Recommended. (Teddy Jamieson)
And Subversify reviews The Icelandic Accord by Karla Fetrow:
However, the fact that so many of the major players are women (even Indo-China’s own President Ting) instead of men speaks to the whimsical audacity of the author; like Emily Brontë, she doesn’t “report” on the world that we see, but creates a new world that she sees as politically relevant to us, in five levels deep of superfluous imagination, using a few mad colors of crayons, ink and charcoal, lending gritty and surprising details we never fathomed. (Late Mitchell Warren)
Daily Kos begins an article on Christianity by quoting from Wuthering Heights.
One of my favorite quotes of all time is from Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights, when Nelly describes Joseph: He was, and is yet, most likely, the wearisomest, self-righteous pharisee that ever ransacked a Bible to rake the promises to himself and fling the curses on his neighbors. Even if you've never read the novel, you know Joseph now, yes?
Joseph is Kim Davis, thrice-divorced (despite the fact that a literal interpretation of the Bible forbids divorce & remarriage), who refuses to resign her job as Kentucky county clerk AND refuses to do her job, which now includes issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. [...]
When they're thwarted, Joseph/Bessinger/Davis don't pause, reflect, and reconsider their interpretation. Rather, in keeping with the it's-about-me! mentality, they become Christian martyrs. (Nicole Plyler Fisk) The Bookseller comments on a recent broadcast on BBC Radio 6 Music which celebrated libraries and whose  playlist featured: ‘The Book I Read’ by Talking Heads, ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Kate Bush and ‘Sing it Back’ by Moloko. (Natasha Onwuemezi)
The Guardian recommends buying tickets for Sally Cookson's Jane Eyre at the National Theatre. And VN Express (Vietnam) lists access to great works of literature such as Wuthering Heights as one of the advantages of learning English. The Sisters' Room (in Italian) posts about the Brontës in Brussels. The Brontë Parsonage Facebook page links to a comment by Helen Lederer about her headline slot at the Brontë Festival of Women's Writing this weekend. MindSpirit Book Journeys reviews Wuthering Heights.


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