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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015 12:30 am by M. in , ,    No comments
This is a compilation of Brontë poems to be found on Lulu.com:
Speak of the North, a Lonely Moor: Poems of Charlotte, Emily, Anne and Branwell Brontë Compiled by Rebecca Hillary
Lulu.com (5 Sept. 2015)

Speak of the North, a Lonely Moor is a collection of the poems of not only the Brontë sisters, but also of their brother, Branwell, with whom they wrote as children. The title itself comes from a poem by Charlotte, a beautiful and haunting ode to the land they called home, the glorious county of Yorkshire.
Featuring poems on a variety of subjects including and the enchantment of nature, from possibly the most famous literary family in history, the Brontës.


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