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Friday, September 11, 2015

Keighley News publishes accounts of Helen Lederer and Alison Case's talks at the recent Brontë Festival of Women's Writing:
Parsonage spokesman, Lauren Livesey, said: “The whole festival was a great success, with a succession of well-attended workshops and readings during the course of the weekend.
“Writing workshops on a variety of topics took place in the research library at the museum, at West Lane Baptist Centre and at the atmospheric Ponden Hall.
“We had some truly wonderful feedback from authors and participants. The evening readings from Alison Case and Helen Lederer fascinated and entertained ticket holders in equal measure.” (David Knights)
Flavorwire publishes an anonymous first-person essay which sounds strangely familiar:
It Happened to Me: Sometimes I Hear Maniacal Laughter From the Locked Tower Room
Like others recently entered in the public conversation, I, too am committed to living an authentic Victorian life. And I do assure you: there is nothing quite as Victorian as being an impoverished governess, oppressed by circumstances —  who nonetheless remains in possession of a soaring spirit and chafes at confinement. * (...) (Read more)
*NB: Reader, I was going to begin this column with something about taking a walk, but my editor said it wasn’t “grabby” enough! (Sarah Seltzer)
Word & Film discusses the success of the YA author John Green:
The Wuthering Heights Factor
(...) Bottom line: If Heathcliff and Cathy wore big glasses, pulled pranks, and made puns via text messages, Green probably would have written them. (Lisa Rosman)
The Washington Post talks about the 2015 Best American Poetry controversy (the Yi-Fen Chou aka Michael Derrick Hudson affaire):
Pen names, as some on Twitter pointed out, have long been a staple of the literary world. And there are plenty of cases in which initials or a pseudonym have worked in the opposite direction - most often for women like Mary Ann Evans (George Eliot), Karen Blixen (Isak Dinesen) and Joanne Rowling (J.K. Rowling), who thought they would be taken more seriously or better reach their target demographic if they didn't appear to be female.
But Hudson's critics said the literary bait-and-switch was fraudulent, racist and fundamentally different from Charlotte Brontë publishing "Jane Eyre" under the name Currer Bell. (Sarah Kaplan)
Slate publishes a piece of Harry Potter trivia:
Bad news, fellow Slytherins, we’ve been pronouncing the Dark Lord’s name wrong. It’s not Vol-deh-mort, with a “t” at the end. It’s Vol-deh-mor. The final consonant is silent, as in the French word for death, mort, which is pronounced like the purple wilderness in which Heathcliff hanged puppies long ago. (Kathy Baldman)
Antena 3 TV (Spain) gives some additional details on the novel about the Brontës that the Spanish writer Ángeles Caso is publishing in a few days, Todo ese Fuego:
La autora Ángeles Caso bucea en 'Todo ese Fuego' en la vida de tres asombrosas mujeres llenas de talento, que consiguieron rebelarse contra las crueles normas de la sociedad victoriana y convertirse en grandes escritoras en un mundo reservado y creado por y para los hombres.
La narración se centra en el momento en que Charlotte está escribiendo 'Jane Eyre', Emily 'Cumbres Borrascosas' y Anne 'Agnes Grey', y muestra la tensión de estas tres valerosas mujeres entre su obligación de cumplir las serias obligaciones familiares y su imperiosa necesidad de ganarse la vida, así como su deseo de escapar a una existencia llena de estrecheces y alcanzar sus más hondos anhelos.
Además, centra la atención en la personalidad de cadauna de las tres hermanas, de manera que es su genio extraordinario el que prevalece frente a los acontecimientos.
La narración consigue trasladar al lector a la época victoriana para sumergirlo en una lectura llena de interés y belleza. (Translation)
The first chapter can be read here.

DeCine21 (Spain) interviews the film director M. Night Shyamalan:
Da la sensación de que la crítica se ha cebado de modo especial con sus últimas películas, con un celo que no se da con otros directores. ¿Cómo lo encaja?
Podría declarar muchas cosas sobre este tema, pero prefiero no pensar demasiado en ello. Siempre se dan discrepancias en el modo en que se reciben las películas, no conozco a ningún artista que no le ocurra, me vienen a la cabeza las hermanas Brontë o Picasso, a los que no siempre les reciben los brazos abiertos o con halagos. (José María Aresté) (Translation)
Historia.ro (Romania) has a biographical article on Charlotte Brontë; Sierra Maestra (Cuba) announces the winners of the literary prizes Caridad Pineda. In Memoriam. The Best New Author award is for
Bertha Dalmis Báez Pérez, de Jiguaní, en la provincia Granma, ganó el premio al autor novel, con “Catherine Heathcliff”, sobre “Cumbres Borrascosas”, de Emily Brontë. (M.Sc. Miguel A. Gaínza Chacón) (Translation)
Mindpress (Italy) posts about Jane Eyre.


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