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Monday, August 03, 2015

Monday, August 03, 2015 11:02 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The Guardian compiles some famous last words. The poignant words that Charlotte Brontë said to Arthur Bell Nicholls are reported:
“Oh, I am not going to die, am I? He will not separate us, we have been so happy,” Charlotte Brontë told her husband, while TS Eliot simply whispered the name of his wife, Valerie, and nothing more. (Oscar Rickett)
The Daily Mail talks about some of the prison occupations of the sex offender and Australian entertainer Rolf Harris. We don't think Charlotte would love to know this:
‘The powers that be have asked me to paint inspirational people and write quotes from them, so I have done about ten so far, all about 18in by 24in with their names & dates and below the portrait, some of the quotes they’ve made.’
Harris said other figures he has painted include Sir Isaac Newton, Alan Turing, Steve Jobs, Charlotte Brontë and a sepia image of Mark Twain. (Chris Greenwood)
The Wall Street Journal explains the rules of London 'small talk':
The U.K., however, was another matter entirely. The birthplace of Shakespeare, the Brontë sisters and Milton, the mecca of modern wit, and the absolute hardest place I’d ever tried to initiate conversations. I quickly learned that in London, “chat” was not just an interchange between two people, but also a trait you could possess single-handedly. The more you had, the less someone else had, as though it could be acquired by force. (Riva Gold)
Unusual Historicals interviews the author Tiffany Apan:
As a side note, the more I research, the more I am fascinated by how distorted many events and eras have become over time. Combine that with my love for Tolkien, Stephen King, Edgar Allen Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, the Brontës, Wilde, and romantic stories, and you pretty much have my inspiration for the series. (...)
I'm actually reading several and a lot of it historical non-fiction as I research for my book series. One in particular is A Chainless Soul:A Life of Emily Brontë by Katherine Frank.
Oblikon (France) reviews Far from the Madding Crowd 2014:
Images grand angle, collines, troupeaux de moutons, ça fleure bon Les hauts de Hurlevent. Il y a indéniablement un plaisir des yeux à voir les personnages se perdre dans cette nature abondante d’autant que la lumière légèrement jauni avec des pointes de saturation, notamment sur les costumes, octroie au film une ambiance relativement envoûtante, le cadre idéal pour un quatuor amoureux ! (Sarah Benzazon) (Translation)
Absolutely Gothic now posts about Heathcliff and Catherine's Bedroom Scene.


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