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Thursday, July 02, 2015

Thursday, July 02, 2015 12:02 pm by M. in , ,    No comments
Atlas Obscura discusses several courses given at the Rare Book School in Charlottesville:
They’ve collected hundreds of different copies of Jane Eyre, first published in 1847. Through the different covers, Jane evolves with the times. On one pulp paperback, she passionately embraces her suitor, eyes closed tight and lips painted a sultry red. (Andy Wright)
The Daily Maverick (SouthAfrica) on judging books by their cover:
Women have borne the brunt of consumer and even publisher bias. In the mid-1800's, a 20-year-old Charlotte Brontë sent her poetry to England's poet laureate Robert Southey and he replied bluntly, "Literature cannot be the business of a woman's life." Brontë ignored the laureate and penned Jane Eyre and, along with her sisters Emily and Anne, they adopted pen names: 'Charlotte Currer-Bell', 'Anne Acton-Bell' and 'Emily Ellis-Bell'. (Timothy Maurice Webster)
The writer and photographer Sarah Burkhart on The Huffington Post:
The truth is that my life up to this point was what the kids might call a YOLO life (You Only Live Once -- translation for those of you my age or older). I've been making changes, taking risks, and going from mountaintop to valley and back again -- telling myself all the while "life is short, I can't waste these opportunities." My life was, in the words of Jane Eyre, "changeful and abrupt." And even when that sort of life was difficult, even on the days that I was yearning for stability, there was a sort of lusty drama to the ups and downs. 
Child narrators in The Conversation:
Much of the empathy generated by the child narrator flows from the reader’s perception of his or her innocence. From Jane Eyre to Jimmy Flick, when a child narrator seems alone in the world — a victim of adult failings— and continues to struggle forward, readers want the narrative to resolve with their success or happiness. (Michelle Smith)
A Brontë reference in the Daily Gospel in Bandera (Philippines):
Judging others is the favorite pastime of the heart. Education, however, can tame it and teach it to focus on lofty things. Charlotte Brontë puts it this way: “Prejudices are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education”. Surprisingly, education did not free the Teachers of the Law from prejudices. (Fr. Dan De Los Angeles)
A press release from DramaFever (South Korea) confirms that Jane Eyre 2006 will be broadcast in South Korea next Autumn:
Through a new licensing partnership with BBC Worldwide North America, DramaFever announces the U.S. streaming rights to 18 titles, with five series premiering today, and two additional series launching each month (...)
* Jane Eyre (Premieres September 30) – A shy governess who softens the heart of her employer soon discovers that he’s hiding a terrible secret. Stars: Ruth Wilson and Toby Stephens
Baby names in Good To Know:
Meaning: God has given/God's grace
Famous people called Jane: Jane Austen, Jane Fonda, Jane Seymour.
Originally the name Jane was a form of John and it was also the name of the main character in Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre all the way back in the 19th century but it's been around much longer than that, the name Jane has been used since the seventh century. (Holly Boultwood)
Writer's Edit reviews Jane Eyre. Bookish Whimsy has a very interesting post about the novel. The Brontë Society shares the June Garden Diary:
If you are able to come to the Parsonage on Sunday 12th July then we will be holding a Garden Open Day to display/offer many cuttings available for a donation or for a swap so please come along and bring your “plant swap” with you too. As well as plants we will be offering some bites and drinks on the day. (Geoff Taylor)


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