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Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday, June 15, 2015 7:35 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
The Guardian reviews Kate Clanchy's The Not-Dead and The Saved and Other Stories:
There are also some curveballs thrown in for good measure, like the clever Brunty Country, which imagines the Brontës as a contemporary slush-pile discovery of a literary agent: “Maybe, just maybe, WH isn’t really the eternal masterpiece we’re all making out? Maybe it’s just a small press novel that got really, really, lucky? You know, warm wind from Twilight, warmer one from Charlotte, the public in a hot mood for incest and cheap ebooks.” Moving swiftly between the comic and the tragic, Clanchy has an eager eye for each and every detail in between. (Lucy Scholes)
WPRO 630 features Out Loud Theatre Company’s take on Shakespeare's works and announces that
proceeds will help OUT LOUD produce “Jane Eyre,” set to open in August. (Frank O’Donnell)
You can read about the Brontë Society's AGM trip to Elizabeth Gaskell's house in Manchester on the Brontë Parsonage Blog. Absolutely Gothic posts about the kitchen scene in Wuthering Heights.


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