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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015 12:48 am by M. in ,    No comments
Today, June 13, in Canterbury and part of the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta a very curious event will take place. No less that Jane Eyre going on trial:
Crown Court Open Day including::
Mock Trials
Explore trials and sentencing through the ages by getting involved in a mock trial! Sit on the jury, take the Magistrate’s seat or simply observe the legal process in action
Venue: Crown Court, Bricket Road, St Albans
Times: 10-3pm, Starting on the hour, each lasting approximately one hour. You are welcome to come and go, but you will need to stay for the full hour if you take on a character’s role in the proceedings.
Fitzwilliam Darcy and Jane Eyre to appear in dock at Canterbury Crown Court this weekend
One of Britain’s most famous heroines is to go on trial in Canterbury... accused of being a housebreaker!
And another of the country’s heartthrobs is also facing an accusation that he is a drugs smuggler!
Now people in Kent are being invited to volunteer to sit as jury members in the twin show trials at Canterbury Crown Court.
They will then decide if Jane Eyre – the eponymous hero of the Charlotte Brontë novel – and Fitzwilliam Darcy – the knee-trembling hunk from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice - are guilty or innocent.
The mock trials will take place during the court’s open day on Saturday, which is part of the Magna Carta celebrations.
Eyre – who will be prosecuted and defended by real-life barristers – is accused of breaking into Bulwark Grange, Blissington, Woodchurch in July last year.
The prosecution will allege Eyre, aged 168, had hired a car from the Maidstone-based car company ‘We Do Nice Bangers’ in which an earring from the £2,000 break-in was later discovered by detectives.
After her arrest the former teacher is alleged to have told officers she was with her boyfriend Ed Rochester in a cafe in Maidstone. (Paul Hooper in Kent Online)


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