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Saturday, June 06, 2015

Minnesota Public Radio News highlights the inventiveness of Patricia Park's Jane Eyre retelling, Re Jane:
Forget the stark and sweeping landscapes of Brontë's "Jane Eyre." Swap in the refurbished warehouses and brownstones of modern Brooklyn that come alive in Patricia Park's "Re Jane." Jane Re is a young Korean-American girl who takes an au pair job for a wealthy, progressive couple.
The classic plot takes off from there, but Park injects a fresh perspective and new twists to keep even the most diehard Brontë fan guessing. (...)
On June 25, Park will join us for The Thread Book Club. Read "Re Jane" along with us and send us your questions — we'll ask them in the studio. (Tracy Mumford)
The novel is also one of the Editors Choices in the New York Times.

We read on Broadway World about an interesting theatre event taking place in Bimingham in July:
The Enduring Romance of Cathy and Heathcliff
Old Joint Stock Theatre, Birmingham Fest
Tuesday 28th July 7pm
The 1950's, when romance was trickier and boundaries of what was appropriate and what was not were beginning to become fuzzy.
Two strangers meet one day, argue about Cathy's deep undivided love for Wuthering Heights and then part in a blind fury, but John is drawn to this odd girl. Time after time, fate drags them back together and the play follows their unconventional lives together.
The plot spans across decades, and features the best music from the 50's and 60's. The Enduring Romance of Cathy and Heathcliff is an unconventional, dark, comedic reimagining of the classic romance.
Written and performed by Birmingham based actress, Rebecca Newman.
The Times reviews Nothing But Grass by Will Cohu:
Beginning in the late-19th century, the story revolves around Ranby Manor, a grand country house that never quite managed to beahappy family home. Surrounded by woodland said to be haunted by cavaliers and now flanked by a dangerously fast country road, it has tragedy and intrigue clinging to its elegant stone walls, suggesting an enticing amalgam of Wuthering Heights and Downton Abbey. (Melissa Katsoulis)
 The Irish Examiner talks about the Leaving Certificate Examinations:
So, how much can you recall about Yeats, O'Casey and the Brontë sisters? For the duration of the Leaving Cert, we'll be bringing you a quiz on the day of each exam based on that subject's curriculum.

1. Which 19th century novel features the Earnshaw and Linton families?
A passing reference in Rutland Times:
History is punctuated with important families of which royal dynasties may be the chief. Additionally, there are copious examples of quite ordinary families becoming extraordinary: in literature, the Brontës; in industry the Darbys of Coalbrookdale; in politics, the Kennedy clan – to name but a few. (Bryan Waites)
This is something that everyone is talking about  (Daily MailSugarsScapeCosmopolitan...) and that we find... well, let's say perplexing. Harry as Books is a Twitter account that tweets covers of books matched with pictures of Harry Styles, from One Direction.

xojane discusses homeschooling:
Would Jane Eyre approve of this moment? I would like to think she would be high fiving me. Like a boss. (...)
My childhood fantasies consisted of me either winning an Oscar (once I took up acting, on a whim, and won every award within the first year so I could retire and live comfortably, reading books in front of a fireplace in my cabin in the middle of my forest...obviously), or teaching a class about how important the socio-economic storyline is in Wuthering Heights, and how it still applies to our society today. (Tamarah Rockwood)
Dagens Næringsliv (Norway) talks about the Meghan Daum's book Selfish, Shallow and Self-Absorved and reminds us how
Både Virginia Woolf, Brontë-søstrene, George Eliot og Jane Austen var barnløse.  (Audun Vinger) (Translation)
Libération (France) reviews the most recent film adapation of Far from the Madding Crowd,
Exercice auquel il [Thomas Vinterberg] prête un classicisme élégant, préférant James Ivory aux Hauts de Hurlevent (2011) déconstruits par la metteuse en scène britannique Andrea Arnold. (Clémentine Gallot) (Translation)
According to La Stampa (Italy) even things like Anna Todd's After have something positive:
Che, tra un romanzo rosa e una fanfiction, riscopre anche grandi classici. Come Cime tempestose, ormai fuori diritti. Citato più volte in After, ha incuriosito oltre un milione di adolescenti. Che se lo sono divorato fra una coda in negozio e una campanella scolastica. (Elisabetta Pagani) (Translation)
Today's blunder can be found in this interview to Elisabetta Risari (Responsabile Editoriale Classici Mondadori) as published in Letteratitudine:
- I Classici possono, senza dubbio, essere considerati come longseller. In alcuni casi diventano bestseller, superando per numero di vendite persino le "nuove uscite" di autori noti. È così? Cosa puoi dirci in proposito? (Massimo Maugeri)(...) Casi di long-bestseller si danno anche nel mondo dei fuori diritti, dove però il risultato è dato dalla somma del venduto di tutte le edizioni disponibili sul mercato: credo che in testa alla hit parade ci siano Orgoglio e  pregiudizio di Jane Austen, Cime tempestose di Charlotte Brontë (!), Il ritratto di Dorian Gray di Wilde e Il fu Mattia Pascal di Pirandello. (Translation)


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