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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sunday, June 14, 2015 11:28 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
We don't agree with the example chosen by the New Bern Sun Journal illustrating adapting boredom:
If golf were an Avengers movie, it would be called Age Of Naptime. It would be Emily Brontë brought to the screen. Not one of her books. Just Emily Brontë. Sitting at a desk. Writing. The climax comes when a thrush settles on the windowsill. Emily turns to the camera, raises a finger to her lips and whispers, “Look. It’s a thrush. He’s going to peck some seed.”  (Bill Hand)
The Sunday Times talks about Lance Armstrong:
Like we are seduced by Emily Brontë’s Heathcliff – wanting to see where the light ends and the darkness begins. Where is the troubled one now? At peace with himself or still railing against the injustices? It will be the same when he comes to France this month for his Cure Leukaemia ride with Geoff Thomas, the former England footballer.  (David Walsh)
The Sky Arts releases a Culture Bucket List for the week:
We've launched an arts and culture 'bucket list' ahead of our new Culturally Curious Week (13th to 19th June).
For anyone wondering what to do this weekend, the newly launched 'bucket list' of the must-see, must-do UK cultural experiences and activities should provide some inspiration. In a bid to challenge the perception of arts and culture in the UK and Ireland, we invited performers, film directors, media, curators and other cultural thought-leaders the length and breadth of the country to each contribute one unmissable, life-affirming experience.
24. Visit the Village of Haworth, home to the Brontë Sisters and the Bronte Parsonage Museumand Haworth Moor
- David Wilson, Director of Bradford UNESCO City of Film
The Asian Age on relationships:
As Tracey points out, we’ve been conditioned to think that tempestuous, stormy relationships (she cites the examples of Romeo-Juliet and Cathy and Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights) construe “grand passion”.
Semana (Colombia) talks about book clubs in Bogotá:
La Casa Tomada en Bogotá ofrece seis clubes de lectura distintos. El primero se inauguró a mediados de 2011 bajo el nombre ‘Club de lectura de las mujeres en el ático’. Comenzó como un encuentro de más de 12 mujeres que se reunían en esta acogedora biblioteca a discutir los libros de las grandes escritoras del siglo XVIII, entre ellas Jane Austen y las hermanas Brontë. (Translation)
Elizabeth Hopkinson's Hidden Grove Extra reviews the The Brontës, War and Waterloo exhibition at the Brontë Parsonage Museum.


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