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Sunday, May 03, 2015

Today, on ABC Melbourne radio:
Sunday with Libbi Gorr
10:00am - 12:00pm
Sunday School - Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

Matthew Kenny Buckley Park College, Essendon, in the areas of English and Literature joined Libbi Gorr in the studio and discussed the text Wuthering Heights . (Desi Leary)
Holly Williams reviews The Lost Child in The Independent:
The Brontë sisters wrote fiction with an exceptionally vibrant afterlife: Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre and their characters still loom large, thanks to endless adaptations from prestige films to pop songs, and umpteen fictional rewrites, updatings, prequels and sequels.
The Lost Child seems to be the latest addition; a modern narrative is bookended by a sort of Heathcliff origins story, and interrupted by one chapter with a dying Emily Brontë. But in truth, this novel will offer very little succour for bonnet-lovers.
The bulk of The Lost Child takes place in Leeds and London between the 1950s and 1980s. Like Wuthering Heights, it follows several generations of a troubled family. But if Wuthering Heights is memorable for its characters’ wild, anguished love and jealousy, the characters of Caryl Phillips’s book are repressed and depressed[.] (...)
Wuthering Heights may be overblown in its Gothic drama, but The Lost Child can be underwhelming, swirling down the plughole of its kitchen-sink realism.
Palatinate chooses Wuthering Heights as one of the 'worst' love stories ever told:
1. Heathcliff and Cathy: Wuthering Heights
To kick off, we have what is often referred to as one of the most romantic classics out there. Catherine and Heathcliff grow up together as brother and sister, and not to mention best friends, on the Wuthering Heights estate. However, the couple is basically incestuous in their eternally unfulfilled desires, they spend a great deal of time emotionally torturing each other, and to top it off they end up both unhappily married to other people. Their story ends with Catherine dead after childbirth and Heathcliff following closely after, starving himself from grief, flirting with necrophilia before he goes. In this perverse Romeo and Juliet-style ending, Heathcliff ends up appearing more creepy than romantic. Plus, they never even kiss. (Alice Diebel)
The stage three of Le Tour de Yorkshire has passed through Haworth today and on Twitter or in The Telegraph & Argus live blog you can find several images. Like this one by Eagle Intermedia:
The New York Post recommends:
Re Jane by Patricia Clark
Pamela Dorman/Viking
Jane Eyre in Brooklyn: Park’s debut novel features a half-Korean, half-American orphan named Jane Re who becomes an au pair for the adopted Chinese daughter of Brooklyn English professor Ed Farley. Similar to the Brontë classic, Ed and Jane begin an affair, but after a tragedy, Jane flees to her native Korea. When she returns, she tries to balance the cultures that have made her who she is. (Billy Heller)
This retelling is also reviewed on Literary R&R.

The Sunday Herald reviews Sophie and The Sybil by Patricia Duncker:
There are plenty of novels, award-winning and some less so, that feature much-loved 19th-century writers as characters.
But the same ones tend to crop up time after time: Jane Austen is a perennial favourite, as are the Brontës, Charles Dickens and Henry James. But few tackle the great George Eliot, in spite of her superb fictional possibilities. Is she just too tricky to get right, too tempting to caricature, with her "massive jaw", her "long, thin countenance", her great forehead? (Lesley McDowell)
This article of Los Andes (Perú) is ....a bit misinformed. Well, it's really an awful mess. Not even a  primary school boy with Wikipedia access could have done it worst:
De las seis hermanas (six?) Brontë, dos murieron de tuberculosis en 1825. Charlotte, Anne, Emily y Branwell, el único varón de la familia, se dedicaron a crear un mundo de fantasía en el que vivían singulares aventuras. Al crecer, las tres Brontë decidieron crear un libro de poesía en conjunto y, para evitar los prejuicios que existían en esa época sobre las mujeres, adoptaron nombres masculinos. Así, las hermanas Brontë se convirtieron en los hermanos Currer, Ellis y Acton Bell, y aunque los utilizaron indistintamente (!!!!!!!!!!), si publicaron varias de sus obras bajo estos seudónimos. La más reconocida es Emily, la autora de Jane Eyre (como Currer Bell) (!!!!!) y de Cumbres borrascosas (como Ellis Bell). (Translation)
A Brontë mention on this article in naiz (Euskadi, Spain):
Amor y dolor suelen ir unidos. Nos lo han dicho escritores, desde las hermanas Brontë hasta Jacinto Benavente pasando por Bernardo Atxaga. (Iñaki Bernaola) (Translation)
Oubliette Magazine (Italy) interviews Nicola Lagioia:
Irene Gianeselli: Stilisticamente in alcuni casi sembra di leggere un racconto quasi gaddiano, l’immagine è quella di vortici che si assorbono l’uno nell’altro. Come ha costruito la lingua del suo romanzo?
Nicola Lagioia: Non credo sia proprio gaddiana. È solo la mia opinione, ma mi pare segua un altro tipo di complessità. Credo debba più semmai a Fenoglio, a De Roberto, a Faulkner, a Proust, alla Woolf, a Emily Brontë, a certa nervosa e elettrica poesia di inizio Novecento. (Translation)
Anne Todd, a literary daughter of Emily Brontë? No, thanks... In Le Nouvel Observateur (France):
Merci Emily Brontë ?
Désormais, le destin d’«After» est comparé à celui de «Fifty shades of grey», une fanfic là encore, née du « Twilight » de Stephenie Meyer, laquelle on s’en souvient a conquis la terre entière et Hollywood avec une saga façon Belle et son vampire. Mais Anna Todd partage autre chose avec Stephenie Meyer: une admiration indéfectible pour les «Hauts de Hurlevent» d’Emily Brontë. Toutes deux en ont fait le livre de chevet de leur héroïne, Bella pour l’une, Tessa pour l’autre.
Anna Todd a raconté à Eric Loret, de «Libération», qu’elle s’inspire directement de «Whispering (sic) Heights», en utilisant «la même structure de relation amoureuse presque toxique». Au XXIème siècle, Heathcliff aurait donc quitté la lande et les ciels colériques d’Ecosse pour incarner la figure du bad boy contemporain.
En 2009, le succès de « Twilight » avait relancé les ventes des «Hauts de Hurlevent». Il est trop tôt à ce jour pour savoir si «After» aura cette même vertu, mais avec cet hommage au chef d’œuvre d’une recluse du XIXème siècle morte sans avoir vécue, Anna Todd est, quoi qu’on pense de ses bluettes 2.0 écrites avec les pouces, une petite fille naturelle et charmante d’Emily Brontë. (Anne Crignon) (Translation)
Whispering Heights sounds more like a Nicholas Evans exploit, though.

The Birmingham Mail discusses the chances that the new royal baby will be named Charlotte;  Movie Magg reviews Jane Eyre 1944.


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