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Monday, May 25, 2015

Monday, May 25, 2015 8:36 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph reports on the Letters Live event at Hay Festival where
Sherlock actress Louise Brearley, whose auburn hair glowed orange on a giant screen behind her, read with shaky grief a letter from Charlotte Brontë about her recently dead sister (Gaby Wood)
Similarly, you can watch the actress read the same letter on BBC Newsnight about a month ago.

A high school senior writes 'in defence of literature' for the Albany Democrat-Herald.
While I personally would make Atwood's book mandatory for our class, it was presented to us with an alternative: "Jane Eyre," by Charlotte Brontë. Comparably tame in its descriptions, yet still a valuable piece of literature, this should have warded off any concerns. (Sydney Roberts)
Los Angeles Times looks into 'traditional gender roles':
In the 19th century, fastidiousness was not only considered normal for men, it was expected.
"Victorian fiction is abundant with examples of fastidious bachelors," the Victorian expert Maeve Adams told me, citing Roger Hamley of "Wives and Daughters," Edward Rochester of "Jane Eyre" and Sherlock Holmes. (Amanda Marcotte)
A Life Among Pages reviews...erm Jurassic Jane Eyre;  Allergic to the Sun is reading Jane Eyre.


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