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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday, May 26, 2015 7:55 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph has writer Dennis Lehane share his '10 rules for making it as a writer'. One of which is
Ignore the critics because what do they know? [On Martin Scorsese’s adaptation of Shutter Island] I thought he really captured the spirit of it. The book is my least realistic book. It’s a book about books – the Brontë sisters, Mary Shelley, the great neo-Gothicist Patrick McGrath – and 1950s B-movies. And Scorsese got that. He went all the way down the gonzo path on that movie. I knew immediately when I saw it: ‘This is going to p--- a lot of people off.’ I thought the New York Times film critic was going to have a heart attack on the page, he was so ballistic about it. But if you know why you do something, then I think you can feel okay with people’s reactions. (Anita Singh)
Bustle wonders what Cary Fukunaga leaving the new film adaptation of Stephen King's It means for the project and calls
Sin Nombre and the adaptation of Charlotte Brontë’s novel Jane Eyre, two movies that burn with intensity. (Kaitlin Reilly)
Télérama (France) has an article on French critic (etc.) Roland Barthes:
Le réalisateur André Téchiné l'embrigade dans son film sur les sœurs Brontë (où, un rien coincé, il incarne un écrivain, William Thackeray) (Gilles Macassar) (Translation)
The Guardian's Children's Books section reviews The DUFF by Kody Keplinger, a book which
was especially clever in showing the inspiration of Wuthering Heights. A book I admit, with shame, I haven't read. (LNicole)
The City Paper (Colombia) looks at the valley of Une's landscape.
Yet by the look of things, the valley of Une, is hardly prosperous. Times are hard and have been so for decades. One could refer to this patchwork of cracked cottages and slanting chimneys as Colombia’s equivalent of a Victorian landscape; and one immortalized by writers Thomas Hardy, Antony Trollope and the Brontë sisters. (Richard Emblin)
Radio Times announces that today's You've Been Framed (ITV) will include 'a feline performance of Wuthering Heights'.


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