
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer
The News Tribune talks about the Olympic National Park in Clallam County, Washington and its Poetry Walks:
The North Olympic Library System is teaming up with Olympic National Park this spring to offer a second season of poetry walks. This year’s program will run through June 14, featuring poetry placed along four trails in the park.
During Poetry Walks, poems will be placed on signs along the Living Forest Trail, the Madison Creek Falls Trails, the Peabody Creek Trail and Spruce Railroad Trail. (...)
Poets featured along the trails include Emily Brontë, Carlos Castaneda, Ogden Nash, Shel Silverstein and Gary Snyder. (Jeffrey P. Mayor)
BookBrunch and The Bookseller inform of a new novel that the literary agents United Artists consider one of them hot deals of the year:
Mick Jackson's Yukichan in Brontë country is the story of a young Japanese girl's journey to Haworth in search of her lost mother (Faber UK).
Both Luton on Sunday and the Southern Daily Echo reminds us of the upcoming performances of Northern Ballet's Wuthering Heights:
First performed in 2002, this was Nixon's first creation for the Northern Ballet and his first collaboration with Schonberg.
While it initially opened to mixed reviews in its earlier performances, the ballet has grown in reputation since opening. This has undoubtedly been helped by the company itself growing, allowing them to tap into a greater talent pool and create a greater depth of cast members.
It has gone from strength to strength ever since.
David [Nixon]said: “Wuthering Heights is not a novel that you read and put back on the shelf. It is a story that absorbs you, creating powerful imagery that stays with you long after you turn the last page.
“In my adaptation of this timeless tale, I have brought to life the key elements of the narrative, focusing on the intensity and devastation of the relationship between Cathy and Heathcliff.”
Cambridge News presents the book How to Skin a Lion: a Treasury of Outmoded Advice by Claire Cock-Starkey:
A passion for miscellaneous-style books ignited, after seven years (and three children) Claire decided to branch out on her own. "I always wanted to be Charlotte Brontë, but unfortunately someone had already beaten me to it," Claire smiles. "To write my own book had always been a big ambition of mine, so when I started to find my niche, it was a case of trying to find something that would work for me." (Lydia Fallon)
The Washington Post thinks that English as a major is in decline:
Mary Garhart fell in love with reading in middle school, devouring Christopher Paolini’s fantasy novel “Eragon” and the “Hunger Games” trilogy by Suzanne Collins. Then she moved to classics from Charles Dickens, “A Tale of Two Cities,” and Charlotte Brontë, “Jane Eyre.” She had a yen for writing. What’s more, there were literary influences in her family: a grandmother with a master’s degree in English, a grandfather who taught English. (...)
But for many, English is not so obvious anymore. (Nick Anderson
The Vancouver Sun reviews Medicine Walk by Richard Wagamese:
I’ve previously compared Eldon to Huck Finn’s dad; it does seem to me that this is the story Twain left out. (Someone, sometime, has to write a prequel to Huckleberry Finn. Everybody else’s novels are getting prequels and sequels, from Jane Eyre to Pride and Prejudice.) (Melanie Jackson)
Balletto (Italy) searchs for the inspiration sources of the new production of the ballet Giselle which will be performed tomorrow, April 12, t the Teatro Verdi in Pisa:
Ma per comprendere la scelta drammaturgica di Eugenio Scigliano per lo JBdT, che offre una inesauribile fonte di rimandi tematici e quindi suggerimenti espressivi- come ben analizza la stessa Poletti nelle note del programma di sala- ci si confronterà inoltre con film intensi e misteriosi quali Cime Tempestose, del quale vedremo l’invocazione di Heathcliff, interpretato da Ralph Fiennes nel 1992, sul cadavere di Catherine, quale implacabile tormento di un amore oltre la morte; La Sposa Cadavere, magnifico film d’animazione del 2005 diretto da Tim Burton, e The Innocents, tratto nel 1961 dal più celebre tra i romanzi brevi di Henry James, Il giro di vite, protagonisti due bambini perseguitati dai fantasmi di un'istitutrice e di un maggiordomo, e intrappolati in una tirannica e suggestiva atmosfera. (Translation)
Il Corriere della Sera talks about Une questione privata by Beppe Fenoglio (published posthumously in 1963):
Per farsene un’idea bisognerà allora guardare lontano, lì dove Fenoglio aveva appunto guardato: alla letteratura inglese, dunque, e così all’intensità senza ritorno di certi drammi shakespeariani o dei romanzi di Thomas Hardy, come Tess dei D’Urbervilles e Juda l’oscuro, ma anche, più di tutto, del primo dei suoi riferimenti, Cime tempestose di Emily Brontë. (Roberto Galaverni) (Translation)
Oggi (Italy) is also taken by the Poldark-Heathcliff conspiracy theory:
Questa volta, nei panni dell’affascinante Ross Poldark, bello e cupo come tutti gli amanti maledetti, scuro come l’Heathcliff di Cime tempestose, troviamo Aidan Turner, già vampiro in “Being Human” (la parte del bel tenebroso è proprio nelle sue corde), e come l’improbabilmente fascinoso nano Kili ne Lo Hobbit. (Translation)
A Backwards Story interviews the writer Julie Reece:
What went into building a world that had a gothic, historical feel and the whimsy of a fairy tale (Seamstresses!) twisted up into the present day?
Growing up, I fell in love with Mother Goose, Andersen, and Grimm fairy tales. Later, I devoured the classics. Got ridiculously swoony over Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Precious Bane, anything from Dickens or Austen …
Sábado (Portugal) features a Lisbon production of The Mystery of Irma VepDivagaciones de una Poulain (in Spanish) reviews Wuthering Heights; the Brontë Parsonage Facebook Wall uploads a very nice set of pictures:
Pictures taken very early this morning on a photo-shoot to celebrate 'British Flowers Week' in June, Flowers from the Farm are a group of flower growers and florists raising the profile of British grown flowers to encourage us all to buy seasonal, locally grown flowers.


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