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Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015 9:56 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
Salon has writer Karen Russell interview her brother Kent Russell:
OK, back to the questions I can ask and answer…oh my Jesus, Kent, I can relate to everything you said about taking evasive action, doing some fancy footwork around the Cruel Puritanical You-Must-Be-Working-At-All-Hours Brain, in order to get yourself into the dream time. When we went to that Dixie Highway Borders, I would get a “fun” book, the ones with the badass embossing, and a monster on the spine, and a “literary” book: a Brontë sister, say, or “The Count of Monte Cristo.” It took years for me to undo that binary view of fiction as either “genre” or “literature.” Although I must have been aware, even then, that there were ghosts in Jane Eyre and gorgeous language in “Dune” and Octavia Butler.
Figaro (France) reviews The Adventures of Alice Laselles by Alexandrina Victoria aged 10 3/4 [Queen Victoria] and unsurprisingly,
nous ne sommes pas dans Jane Eyre, l'établissement scolaire traite bien ses élèves. (Constance Jamet) (Translation)
More on the Poldark-is-Heathcliff saga. From Glamour Magazine:
Wonderful news this morning for anyone with eyes and a penchant for men who look like a swarthy pirate crossed with Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights: Poldark has been recommissioned for a second series, following the popularity of its debut outing. (Ella Alexander)
Keighley News features the book Yorkshire Walks in which
There are also walks to Top Withens, the reputed application for Wuthering Heights above Stanbury, and Bingley’s five rise locks. (David Knights)
The Hearabouts has a photoshot apparently inspired by Wuthering Heights. The Bossy Reader posts about Jane Eyre.


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