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Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Wednesday, April 01, 2015 10:22 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The Yorkshire Post talks about new books published about the Pennine Way (which this year celebrates its 50th anniversary):
A new guidebook published on April 24th, the PW’s birthday, addresses this deficiency. Heart of the Pennine Way (Skyware Press, £9.99) includes all the best features from Hebden Bridge northwards to Top Withens aka Wuthering Heights, Malham Cove and Penyghent through Wensleydale and Swaledale to Tan Hill, the dramatic spectacles of High Force and High Cup, and triumphant climax at Hadrian’s Wall. And at 165 miles it’s easily doable in a fortnight’s holiday. (Roger Ratcliffe)
New Statesman interviews Sally Wainwright:
 Wainwright, originally from Huddersfield, is frequently pegged as a writer of something called “northern comedy”, mentioned alongside writers such as Alan Bennett and Beryl Bainbridge.(...)
“I get a bit bewildered when people pigeonhole it like that,” Wainwright says. She points out that her 2002 drama Sparkhouse – a modern retelling of Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights set in West Yorkshire – was more about class than anything else. “I write what’s in my head, my heart. It could be set anywhere.” She continues: “As a northerner, I feel like I have a chip on my shoulder about so many things. But that’s about class, not geography.” (Caroline Crampton)
Columbia Metropolitan's Ex Libris is devoted to Wuthering Heights:
 The first time I read Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, I was both captivated and confused by the strange tale and its intermingling of the supernatural, and I think much of it went right over my head. I returned to it again in college and by its conclusion was utterly repulsed by the dark macabre of the narrative; heartily glad when I had finished with it, I set it aside. This, my third return to the text, left me in much greater awe of the book’s timeless appeal as a favorite among book-lovers. After all, it is the wild, isolated, other-worldliness of Wuthering Heights that captivates readers and which makes the quintessential Byronic hero’s twisted romance with the classic Gothic woman somehow enchanting. In this chaotic sphere, the neat line of inheritance is replaced by usurpation, with characters constantly caught up in the flux of exile and homelessness, seemingly adrift between the two houses on the moor. It is, in fact, the reader’s comfortable position peering in as the “Other,” in juxtaposition to the tumultuous world of Wuthering Heights, that gives the novel its springboard. (Margaret Clay) (Read more)
The Miami Hurricane reviews All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven:
It is clear that Niven is a book lover herself, because she constantly quotes famous writers like the Brontë sisters, Dr. Seuss, Virginia Woolf, Shakespeare and many others, giving literature junkies something to like, if not adore. (Donatella Vacca)
Radio Nuevitas (Cuba) describes this common passion of ours--books:
 Fue así como conocí al Capitán Tormenta -¡qué coraje el de esa mujer!- y a Jane Eyre, la dulce muchacha escondida detrás de un velo de soledad que cautivó el corazón del señor Rochester. (Neilyn Hernández Peña) (Translation)
Patheos gives a different perspective:
 In college, I had friends who seemed a lot more “literary” than I was, and I felt like I had to “catch up,” so I picked up all manner of classics (think Wuthering Heights) at the used bookstore, though nothing really clicked.  And now I tend to stick with politics, history, and biography.(Jane the Actuary)
Jessica Zafra recommends books in TV5:
 Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë. M (the BBC version stars Tom Hardy), N. The definition of insane passion: Cathy loves Heathcliff, an urchin adopted by her family, but marries someone else. Heathcliff leaves, comes back rich, and wreaks vengeance. For starters he seduces Cathy’s sister-in-law.
Abby Wilder posts a retro-review of Wuthering Heights.


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