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Monday, April 06, 2015

Monday, April 06, 2015 3:42 pm by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
The writer Sally Green chooses Wuthering Heights as her main inspiration, not only for her book Half Bad but for her whole life. In The Guardian:
When I was a 14 year old back in 1975 my life was dull and quiet; I didn’t even own many books. But then I won Wuthering Heights and fell in love with it. I realise now that Emily Brontë’s book seeped into my blood, my bones, into my upbringing. It is the basis on which I build my world – and it’s the inspiration for Half Bad. (...)
I won the Upper 4 Progress Prize at school that year and was awarded the book of my choice: Wuthering Heights. I fell in love with Heathcliff and with the moors and that one without the other would be impossibly empty and pointless. But then I put the book on my bookshelf and got on with my GCSEs and Margaret Thatcher came to power and I lived in London for a while then came back up north, became an accountant, travelled the world, and worked hard to pay off the mortgage. I got married and I had a child, turned earth mother and kept chickens. I hardly had time to read. (...)
In Half Bad I referenced Wuthering Heights but never gave much thought to if or how I’d been influenced by it, though I always knew that Heathcliff was my ultimate hero. I’ve only been to Haworth once, and was shocked at how bleak and cold it was and this added to my awe for Emily Brontë, who lived a short, quiet life and yet who could write with such passion. I realise now that Wuthering Heights has seeped into my blood, my bones, into my upbringing. It is the basis on which I build my world and Heathcliff’s spirit roams through it all.
Le Télégramme (France) has another writer and Brontëite, Gaëlle Nohant:
Lorsqu'elle commence à se plonger dans les livres, la jeune GaëlleNohant dévore littéralement Jane Eyre, des soeurs Brontë. (Éliane Faucon-Dumont) (Translation)
The Telegraph & Argus reports of the return of Tabby to the Parsonage this weekend:
The Bronte sisters’ servant Tabby Aykroyd has returned to Haworth this weekend.
She is at the Brontë Parsonage Museum to tell visitors stories about the four famous siblings and 19th-century village life.
Tabby, played by Volunteer Education Assistant, Jan Lee, was at the museum on Good Friday and will return on Monday from 1pm to 3pm with more facts, fiction and folklore.
Oakworth Morris Men will dance at the museum on Monday at 3.15pm, then on Tuesday and Friday from 1pm to 3pm there will be an appearance by Charlotte Brontë’s friend Ellen Nussey.
The visits by actresses in period costume are among Easter holiday activities to keep families busy as they visit the Brontë shrine.
There will be ‘hands-on history’ on Wednesday and Thursday from 1pm to 3pm, allowing children to handle artefacts while a guide explains domestic details of life that the Parsonage in the 1800s.
Every day throughout the Easter holidays there will be the Parsonage’s latest exhibition, The Brontës: War and Waterloo, which explores the family’s fascination with war.
Also on display will be a dining table, bought recently by the Brontë Society, which the Bronte sisters used when they wrote novels like Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. (David Knights)
Brigid Schulte wonders in the Washington Post whether you are a rebel or an obliger:
Want to develop better habits? Figure out your habit tendency, she says. Are you, like Rubin, an “Upholder,” who can meet internal and external expectations? Or are you a “Questioner,” like Jane Eyre, who’ll only do something if they think it’s justified? An “Obliger,” like Andre Agassi, who is motivated to meet the expectations of others? Or a “Rebel,” who resists both internal and external expectations?
The Independent reviews Poldark:
Verity is filled with the boredom, longing and ruddy-cheeked decency of a Brontë heroine and her (probably doomed) relationship with the iffy Captain Blamey (Richard Harrington, keeping us guessing nicely) is a palette-cleansing subplot that takes our attention away from the ‘beautiful people’ for a moment or two. (Chris Bennion)
Grand Forks Herald posts about Mallory Ortberg's Texts from Jane Eyre:
Mallory Ortberg, the co-creator of the cult-favorite website The Toast, presents this whimsical collection of hysterical text conversations from your favorite literary characters. Based on the popular web-feature, "Texts from Jane Eyre" is a witty, irreverent mashup that brings the characters from your favorite books into the 21st century.
Same as The Joplin Globe:
It’s not a graphic novel, but I can’t help but tack on a brief mention of a new nonfiction book we recently added. If you need a laugh, check out “Texts from Jane Eyre.” The entire book — which I think I read in 20 minutes — is chapter after chapter of imagined texts sent to and by well-known writers as well as characters ranging from Hamlet to the twins in the “Sweet Valley High” series. (Lisa E. Brown)
An alert from Omaha:
Book group: The I Should Have Read That in School classics group will discuss “Villette” by Charlotte Brontë, 6:30 p.m. Monday, The Bookworm, 90th Street and West Center Road. (Micah Mertes)
La Jornada (México) comments on the controversial video by some alumni of the Mexican Cumbres Institute:
Doña Emily Brontë trinaría de envidia al comprobar que los comportamientos prevalecientes en la Inglaterra del siglo XIX eran jugarretas infantiles frente a la cotidianeidad de estos legendarios territorios legionarios. (Ortiz Tejeda) (Translation)
Better Living Through Beowulf and Cat's Shelf post about Jane Eyre. The Brontë Bell Chapel group posts some nice pictures of the sunrise as seen from the St James Church.


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