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Saturday, April 04, 2015

Saturday, April 04, 2015 6:13 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The Hindu on old friends:
Emily Brontë had it right. It is the holly-tree that leaves, “thy garland green,” even, “when December blights thy brow.” Friendship is an ever-green thing when treated right. Childhood friends are somewhat exalted in all of this. They have seen us at our most un- self-conscious and know us before we were even aware of who we are. There can be no pretensions with old friends. If there is, you’re bound to end up feeling more than a little foolish. (Dr. Srividya Sivakumar)
The students of the CSPU in Pomona, California had the chance to see some really exceptional... blunder:
At the library, they viewed some of the most exceptional books in the Huntington’s collection, including a first edition of Charlotte Brontë’s “Wuthering Heights,” William Blake’s hand-colored print of “The Tyger” and a folio of Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s “In Memoriam” in his own handwriting. (Zoe Lance in PolyCentric)
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review mentions the Heathcliff roses:
'Heathcliffe'(sic)  - There are few roses as popular as those of deep crimson coloring – and none so difficult to breed. ‘Heathcliff’ is a beautiful addition to English Roses of this color. It has large, fully double flowers of deep rosette shape. The color is a deep crimson, with a certain softness that is reminiscent of some of the old red Gallica Roses. It is a healthy variety, with shiny, deep green leaves and upright growth. Its fragrance is most pleasing and rather unusual – basically Tea Rose with a mixture of Old Rose and just a hint of cedar wood. It is named for the character in Emily Brontë’s classic novel, Wuthering Heights. Grows to 3? x 3 feet.
The Oregonian reviews the film Effie Gray:
It's "Wuthering Heights" crossed with Harry Potter, and the appearance of Robbie Coltrane as a doctor who affirms her virginity closes the circle. (Jeff Baker)
Radio Times recommends the screening of Wuthering Heights 1939 today at BBC2 (2:20 PM):
Ooh there's nothing like a good brood, and Laurence Olivier and Merle Oberon really turn it on in the definitive version of Emily Brontë's classic tale of doomed love. (Rose Thompson)
Myrtle Beach Online talks about the Miss Julie saga (not to be confused with Miss Julie by Strindberg):
Miss Julia is one of those fictional characters like Jane Eyre and Scarlett O’Hara who confronts complex situations and marches ahead to bring an equitable solution to them. Anyone not familiar with Miss Julia has a chance to become acquainted with this gritty, elderly woman in the 17th book in the series, “Miss Julia Lays Down the Law,” by North Carolina writer Ann B. Ross. (Jo Ann Mathews)
The Jewish Journal talks about love stories and it really gets on top:
If I asked you to name the greatest love story ever told, you would likely mention Wuthering Heights, Anna Karenina, even Romeo and Juliet. But, no!
Those pale in comparison to ours. A good story needs a damsel in distress, a knight in shining armor, and a theatrical ride into the sunset. Our story is better. (Dr. Afshine Emrani)
Milenio (México) wants to know what would happen if:
También me puse a pensar en un experimento. En el mundo de los clásicos hay una buena cantidad de novelas en cuya columna vertebral está la relación entre una mujer y un hombre, o sea, novelas de amor. ¿Qué pasaría si el editor de Harlequin decidiera meter en su colección, de manera casi anónima y hasta cambiando el título, alguna novela de Jane Austen o de las Brontë? (...)
Me pregunto si las ñoras se sentirían decepcionadas con esos Harlequines o si ocurriría todo lo contrario. (Translation)
Naoise Dolan posts a succint illustrated Wuthering Heights study guide.


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