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Sunday, March 08, 2015

The Guardian (Trinidad and Tobago) presents Caryl Phillips's The Lost Child:
The work of Kittitian-British novelist, playwright and non-fiction writer Caryl Phillips delves into the experiences of African diaspora peoples in the United Kingdom, the Caribbean and elsewhere, rendering their lives in complex and imaginative relief. His newest novel, The Lost Child, is a bold and ambitious undertaking: a response to Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. Reconfiguring the personages of Cathy and Heathcliff, Phillips’ fictionalising is also investigative, asking questions of bloodlines, origins and the nature of family life. Works of art that alter the perspectives from which we view an inherited landscape are crucial. When powerfully done, they resonate with the resolute strength of Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea. In Phillips’ immense storytelling hands, the thwarted tale of Cathy and Heathcliff is primed to exist discretely and successfully outside of the realm of its source material. (Shivanee Ramlochan)
A couple of news outlets find a Heathcliff flair in Aidan Turner, the new Poldark:
As soon as you see Aidan Turner it’s obvious why the BBC cast him. With long, dark curls and a five o’clock shadow, he has a touch of Heathcliff about him. “I really didn’t want to look brooding but it’s difficult given the storyline. I also think I look like that naturally. People often think I’m angry when I’m not – it’s just my face when I’m listening.” (Kirsty Lang in Radio Times)
 "He's also a great romantic figure – caught between two women from two completely different backgrounds. A gentleman who marries his kitchen maid. A man who doesn't stand on ceremony, who doesn't play by the rules and often falls foul of authority. He has elements of Darcy, Heathcliff, Rochester, Rhett Butler and Robin Hood – quite a combination!" [says Debbie Horsfield, who has written the screenplays.] (Derby Telegraph)
Kate Beaton is at the Frankfurter Buchmesser 2015 and local newspapers like Hessischer Rundfunk  describe her work:
Ihre Themen findet sie in der europäischen und nordamerikanischen Geschichte, aber auch in der Literaturgeschichte und Popkultur: So lässt sie etwa die eher als ein wenig prüde bekannten Brontë-Schwestern "Kerle gucken", also den heißen Männern hinterhergucken. (Translation)
On a day like today, Lametino (Italy) remembers how
Nell'800 c'era un retaggio del senso di pudore che è sempre stato imposto alla donna dalla società, scrittrici che nascondevano la loro identità con pseudonimi maschili: Currer Bell (Charlotte Brontë), George Elliott e George Sand. (Maria Arcieri)(Translation)
The airing of Wuthering High School next weekend is announced in newspapers as follows:
We hope there's more to "Wuthering High School" than just a clever title. A modern retelling of Emily Brontë's "Wuthering Heights," the movie focuses on a Malibu teen girl who becomes irresistibly drawn to a troubled boy. (Chuck Barney in Contra Costa Times)
Persinsala (Italy) reviews Wuthering Heights 2011:
La traduzione filmica di Andrea Arnold si focalizza sulla necessità di far conoscere al pubblico i personaggi di questa storia, e lo fa tramite primi piani e riprese in quattro terzi che seguono i protagonisti e vi si avvicinano esaltando l’essenza delle loro ossessioni, delle loro debolezze e dei loro sentimenti. (...)
Anche il tema del “selvaggio” è fortemente accentuato nelle riprese della Arnold: gli ampi spazi aperti, i dettagli su insetti e animali che vivono quei paesaggi, la figura di Hetachliff che più volte difende la sporcizia in cui vive.
Il tutto incorniciato da una fotografia onirica, che non toglie niente ai contenuti e non devia l’attenzione dello spettatore, ma che senz’altro esalta il desiderio affannato di libertà che scuote gli animi dei protagonisti. (Giulia Maistrello) (Translation)
Finally, Roland White in his Times column has a Wuthering anecdote:
A few kebabs is all it took for Balls to hit the Wuthering Heights.
Ed Balls won’t be short of work if the election goes badly for Labour: he can launch himself as a Kate Bush tribute act. It seems the shadow chancellor does an impression of the reclusive singer — apart from the “reclusive” bit. Writing in GQ, Rachel Johnson recalls Ed’s younger days: “He threw dinner parties in Dalston which started with takeaway kebabs from the local Turkish and ended with him putting on Kate Bush albums and doing Kate Bush impressions.” 


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