
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Sophia Jones explains how life is like today in Baghdad. In The Huffington Post:
On Baghdad’s famous Mutanabbi Street, where merchants sell books -- from religious texts to Charlotte Brontë -- as far as the eye can see, hundreds of men, women and children pass their Friday afternoon in leisure. For a moment, however brief, fear seemingly subsides.
The Star (Malaysia) interviews the author Zen Cho:
 Your writing leans towards speculative fiction, or SFF (science fiction and fantasy). What first sparked your interest in the genre?
I’ve always read SFF, along with non-speculative books. But I think I like writing it in part because I spent so much of my childhood reading 19th century novels – I got a lot of reading material from the Penguin Popular Classics series, the ones with the beige covers, because they were so cheap and substantial. Jane Eyre is a lot of reading for RM5.80! I feel like those really developed my taste for alternate realities in fiction, because the world you find in those novels is so different from contemporary Malaysian life. (Sharmilla Ganesan
The Bainbridge Island Review talks about a local nature spot: Bloedel Reserve:
Poetry at Bloedel is a natural fit and has long been woven into its history — the Bloedel grandchildren often recited poetry to Mr. and Mrs. Bloedel by the fireside — and Pulitzer Prize-winning­ poet and close family friend Theodore Roethke spent weekends at the Bloedels’ guesthouse.
Lines from Emily Brontë’s poem “Sympathy” are engraved at the Bloedels’ grave site near the reflection pool.
Rochdale Online recalls what happens in the first episode of the upcoming BBC series The Pennine Way,
In the first episode, Mr Rose travels from Edale to Calderdale. He tells the story of Tom Stephenson, the man who fought landowners and governments to win public access to the full length of the route. Stephenson’s friend Sylvia Franks talks about his battle.
Mr Rose also meets author and director Barrie Rutter who recalls some of the literary greats who have lived near the route including Ted Hughes and the Brontës. And Mr Rose visits Heptonstall to ask why the South Pennines have never had the full recognition they deserve. (Amy Westlake)
The Writer's Digest Poetic Asides publishes the winner of the erasure poetic form challenge:
The winning entry is “a chatter of tongues,” by Tracy Davidson, which used Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights as a source. (Robert Lee Brewer)
Lit and Life reviews Jane Eyre. Brian Bracken publishes a post on the Brussels Brontë Blog about Rue Ducale 13 in Brussels, the house where Zoë Parent died. Le rêve du renard (in French) posts about Agnes Grey. Style al fresco has a Wuthering Heights-inspired fashion photoshoot. Unomásuno (México), nrc (Netherlands), Pozri! (Slovakia), e-politic (Romania), Erin Blakemore remember the 160th anniversary of Charlotte Brontë's death.


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