Today, February 13, opens in New York a new play with links to both
Jane Eyre and
Wuthering Heights:
You on the Moors Nowcreated by Theater Reconstruction Ensemble
written by Jaclyn Backhaus
directed by John Kurzynowski
February 13 - 28, 2015 at
HERE 145 Sixth Ave. (enter on Dominick Street one block south of Spring), NY, NY 10013
Ensemble | Harlan Alford, Michael Barringer, Nathaniel Basch-Gould, Sam Corbin, Eben Hoffer, Lena Hudson, Emily Marro, Preston Martin, Anastasia Olowin, Jon Riddleberger*, Kelly Rogers, Claire Rothrock, Patrick Scheid, Lauren Swan-Potras
Produced by Reed Whitney
Sound Design | Alex Hawthorn
Lighting Design | Marika Kent
Scenic and Costume Design | Joseph Wolfslau
Stage Manager | Kristy Bodall
Technical Director | Markus Paminger
Production Assistant | Emily Crayton-Kane
Asst. Sound Designer | Adrianna Brannon
Asst. Lighting Designer | Brian Abbott
Press Rep | David Gibbs / DARR Publicity
You On The Moors Now is a grand theatrical examination of four well-known literary heroines of the 19th-century and their shocking rejection of the men who so ardently loved them. What results is a confluence of love, anger, grief, haunting, bloody battles and single tears shed by an ensemble of actors struggling to reconcile the romantic confines of the past with their own contemporary ideas of courtship. You On The Moors Now takes everything you’ve ever learned about love, gleaned from the pages of Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, and Little Women, and puts it somewhere in the tall grasses, hidden from view, where only the truly brave will ever traverse to earn it.
Post-Performance Discussions:
February 21, following the 4pm performance with Kate Scelsa | Novelist and company member of Elevator Repair Service
February 27, following the 8:30pm performance with Caleb Hammons | Associate Producer for the Fisher Center for the Performing Arts, Bard College
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