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Monday, February 09, 2015

Monday, February 09, 2015 10:30 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
Romance writer Kristan Higgins recommends her favourite love stories in USA Today. One of them is:
6. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. Reader, I loved it! From the time I was 12, this 19th century classic has stayed solidly in my heart. Strong, loyal Jane knows how to speak her mind, and the taciturn Mr. Rochester hardly knows what to do with her. Filled with wonderful longing and delicious heartache … and that ending … oh, that ending! (Grabs tissues, dabs eyes.)
The Irish Times also includes the novel in a tongue-in-cheek guide on surviving Valentine's Day.
3. Enjoy yourself
I asked a middle-aged man what his ultimate turn-on was. Actually, this guy was only 28 years old, but he was a morbidly obese chain-smoking tree surgeon so I’m guessing he’s at his own special middle age right now. What he told me, between delicate bites of a Whopper, was that he loved nothing more than a woman who knew how to have a great time in bed. So don’t be afraid to go with what your body wants; perhaps that’s curling up into a tiny ball and humming tunelessly as you read Jane Eyre for the fifth time? Do it – it will drive him wild. (Maeve Higgins)
Unfortunately Lancaster Online isn't joking when it says,
The romance novel genre began with Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" and Charlotte Brontë's "Jane Eyre" and is going still going strong, [Holly Bush, literary salon organiser] says. (Joan Kern)
Svenska Dagbladet mentions the equally accurate Facebook tests such as 'which literary character are you?', etc.
På Facebook är det sedan länge populärt med tester av typen ”Vilken litterär karaktär är du?” Även detta har jag irriterat mig på, delvis av samma skäl som ovan. Bror duktig-aspekten, ständigt närvarande på i synnerhet Facebook, når här kvävande nivåer.
Det är tänkt att testresultaten ska publiceras på Facebook till vännernas beskådan, även om det ofta går att stänga av den funktionen (vilket har inneburit en viss lättnad under arbetet med denna artikel). Det som tillkännages är givetvis främst att användaren är svårt litteraturintresserad. Huruvida man blev Heathcliff eller Huckleberry Finn är liksom inte huvudsaken – poängen är att man var så inkörd i det litterära landskapet att man hade roligt när man gjorde testet. (Thomas Engström) (Translation)
El imparcial (Spain) interviews writer Espido Freire.
¿Había investigado antes sobre ella o ha aprovechado la ocasión del centenario para hacerlo?
Es innegable el hecho de que habrá más gente que se vaya a interesar por ella coincidiendo con el centenario, así que era un buen momento para escribir este libro. Pero, igual que escribí sobre las hermanas Brontë o sobre Jane Austen, mi interés por los personajes femeninos viene de le (Elena Viñas) (Translation)
jos porque las mujeres tenemos una carencia histórica y psicológica de figuras de referencia.
Women's Wear Daily on the inspiration behind the New York Fall 2015 collections:
“Bertha Mason, the insane character in Charlotte Brontë’s ‘Jane Eyre,’ and Antoinette Cosway, Bertha’s original name.” — Max Osterweis and Erin Beatty, Suno (Kelsi Zimmerman)
The Lancashire Evening Post suggests a trip to Yorkshire:
From Beechwood Grange alone, we were just around the corner from Rievaulx Abbey, Ryedale’s market towns, the famous Yorkshire Moors and the beauty of historic Brontë country. Travelling a little further afield we could have checked out Scarborough or headed to Malton, known as Yorkshire’s food capital. 


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