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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday, February 17, 2015 10:43 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
The Royal Gazette reviews Aquila Theatre's version of Wuthering Heights.
There were some powerful performances, not least by Tara Crabbe, encapsulating the difficult, tempestuous female lead Cathy Earnshaw, and Michael Ring as the scathing Hindley. Joseph Cappellazzi fell a little short as Heathcliffe [sic], appearing more gent than gypsy. His soft voice and scrubbed-up good looks do not match with the imposing, rugged man that the gypsy boy grows into.
Cappellazzi is a confident actor and the issue may have been more with casting. Film actors Timothy Dalton and Lawrence Olivier were much closer to the mark.
Although James Lavender’s role as the staunchly religious Joseph was brief, he excelled, causing ripples of laughter to spread throughout the theatre, while Carys Lewis made a tame but likeable narrator in Nelly. Lewis also had a beautifully soothing singing voice when she sang a lullaby for Hindley’s son, Hareton.
A casting limitation landed Michael Ring in the role of Linton’s sister, Isabella. Draped in a baby blue gown and floppy lace bonnet, the lanky actor appeared to curl himself over to hide his height, while his masculine voice and flat chest were comical. Isabella’s character was supposed to bring some fun to the original story, her juvenile infatuation for Heathcliff being fuelled by a love of trashy romance novels, but the comedy was never meant to be on a par with Monty Python.
As is the case with so many film and theatre adaptations, much of the story had to be either eluded to or omitted for the sake of fitting it all in. Aquila had to cut out the last part of the story, ending tidily before Heathcliff’s great revenge took root. (Sarah Lagan)
More stage news concerning Wuthering Heights as The Yorkshire Post reports that,
From Egyptian god, to monsters of horror to romantic hero, there are few shoes Kenneth Tindall has not stepped into during his illustrious on-stage career.
But after 14 years with Leeds-based Northern Ballet, its premier male dancer has decided to bow out to allow his creative juices to flow.
Mr Tindall’s departure signals the end of a professional partnership with his wife Hannah Bateman, the company’s leading soloist, who he has danced alongside in several productions.
Before he embarks on a new path as a freelance choreographer, the star will reprise his role as Heathcliff in Claude-Michel Schönberg and David Nixon OBE’s acclaimed adaptation of Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights at the Milton Keynes Theatre in May. Performing opposite as Heathcliff’s love interest, Cathy, will be former colleague Julie Charlet, who left Northern Ballet in 2013.
And The Star reviews the Ecclesfield Priory Players' take on Polly Teale's Brontë:
Genisia Kalsi is most effective as both Cathy and Bertha from Emily’s Wuthering Heights and Charlotte’s Jane Eyre.
Angela Platts as brooding Emily is the pick of the sisters. Julia Preston is the more outspoken elder sister Charlotte. Chelsea Pearson is the youngest sister, Anne. Alan Frith plays their father, a poor clergyman who nevertheless stocks their library with the finest literary giants. They read Shakespeare, Milton and Byron in addition to the Bible.
The most interesting segment of the play is when all three sisters use the pseudonyms of the Bell brothers. Eventually Charlotte and Anne spill the beans to the publishers who claim that the Bell brothers are one man. The publisher nearly falls off his chair when he learns that the Bell brothers are three different women.
The Buffalo News thinks that 'books are a lucrative source for Hollywood movies':
You can trace the evolution back more than 100 years to see how books have been the inspiration and source material for movies from a 10-minute silent short based on “Alice in Wonderland” in 1903 to multiple versions of stories by the Brontës and Jane Austen; JRR Tolkien’s epic tales of Middle-Earth in “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit”; adult best-sellers like “The Godfather” and “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” to pretty much everything written by Stephen King or found in the Young Adult section of your favorite book store. (Toni Ruberto)
Fusion shares '5 lessons from a week of watching kinky films':
The French also had a hand in Lars Von Trier’s lengthy sex compendium, Nymphomaniac, which follows the sexual evolution of a nymphomaniac. Okay, I’ll admit, I did fall asleep a few times while watching, but there was something absolutely and startlingly fascinating about Billy Elliot (Jamie Bell) whipping Jane Eyre (Charlotte Gainsbourg). (Isha Aran)
Bustle selects '12 Fictional Writers Whose Lives Can Teach Us Lessons About The Literary Life, Because It Isn't Just 7-Figure Book Deals'. One of which is Ted Swenson from Blue Angel who considers that
What I love is how pissed off Jane Eyre is. She’s in a rage for the whole novel and the payoff is she gets to marry this blind guy who’s toasted his wife in the attic. (Erin Enders)
Writer Fanny Blake picks her top books on revenge for Express. Among them is
1. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
A driving force in the novel and one of the most classic revenges in literature has to be Heathcliffe’s [sic] revenge on Hindley, the brother of Cathy Earnshaw.
Realising that Cathy, his soul mate, will never be his, Heathcliffe channels his thwarted love into ruining Hindley’s life.
Throughout their childhood, Hindley has consistently demeaned Heathcliffe, getting his own back for the favour shown to Heathcliffe by his father, Mr Earnshaw.
As an adult, Heathcliffe turns the tables by corrupting Hindley’s son, Hareton, turning him into a drunken good-for-nothing.
Even better, by marrying Isobel Linton, Heathcliffe becomes, first, the owner of Wuthering Heights and, subsequently, Thrushcross Grange. (Stefan Kyriazis)
The Independent has an obituary for actor Louis Jourdan and recalls that,
One of the most interesting moments in his career came when Philip Saville cast him as the lead in Count Dracula (1977), a weighty BBC dramatisation that remains one of the most faithful imaginings of the source material, coming just after Hammer Films had given up the ghost. Jourdan's casting surprised the critics, but, speaking to the Radio Times in 1977, Saville explained that he saw Dracula as "a romantic, sexually dashing anti-hero in the tradition of those figures usually dreamed up by women... Rochester, Heathcliff... figures that can overpower a strong heroine, inhuman figures that can't be civilised." Ahead of the game in finding romanticism in vampirism, the drama occasionally lacks bite – but Jourdan remains one of the most interesting and original Draculas in screen history. (Simon Farquhar)
DagBlog discusses Fifty Shades of Grey and romance fiction.
I can't help comparing Fifty Shades to that perennial favorite, Pride and Prejudice. The comparison is obviously lopsided, because Jane Austen is one of the best novelists who's ever written in English and E. L. James is nowhere close. Austen is basically putting on a master-class in writing on the sentence-by-sentence level; reviewers have fun with James by picking out some of her clumsy, amateur-hour sentences for quotation. But Pride and Prejudice is one of the distant models on which Fifty Shades is built, because its influence (like the Brontë sisters' influence) is shot through all of romance fiction. Even if E. L. James has never read any Austen, all of the writers she imitates (such as the writer of the Twilight series) imitate Pride and Prejudice in various ways. And Christian Grey has distant but obvious resemblances to Austen's Mr. Darcy; both are aloof, emotionally-stunted but fabulously-wealthy guys deeply invested in their alpha-male status. (Grey also owes debts to characters like Heathcliff and Mr. Rochester, of course.) Darcy is part of romance fiction's DNA. (Doctor Cleveland)
The Guardian reviews the book Accidence Will Happen by Oliver Kamm and recalls that,
Jane Austen had a weakness for the supposedly improper double genitive, Coleridge split infinitives, and Charlotte Brontë described one thing as “different than” another, not different from. (Peter Conrad)
 Buzzfeed has selected '10 Kitchen Accessories For The Literary Foodie' and among them is the
1. Wuthering Heights Quote Plate
Featuring fragments of literature handwritten on porcelain, these plates are almost too lovely to store in a cupboard. Whether you choose to display them on your walls, or save them for a romantic dinner for two, no literary kitchen should be without Wuthering Heights plates if you ask us. Other book quotes are available, too. (Novelicious)
Wuthering Heights is obviously mentioned in an article about 'Literature as Musical Muse' on Word & Film. Lord Still Loves Me reviews Jane Eyre. The Mantle posts about Minae Mizumura's A True Novel. Finally, Quadrapheme posts about racism in Wuthering Heights and Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury.


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