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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday, January 14, 2015 12:30 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Recent Brontë-related papers published just all over the world. From Indonesia, China, India or Greece:
Cruelty in Emily Brontë's "Wuthering Heights"Fansisko Ch. Manatar, Elizabeth Zuska Oroh, Olga Rorintulus
Jurnal Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni - Kompetensi,  Vol 2, No 4 (2014)
This research is aimed at revealing cruelty, the cause and the impact in Emily Brontë’s “Wuthering Heights”, It is categorized as qualitative research because all the data used are in the form of words. They were collected from the primary source which is the novel itself and the secondary sources which are from books literary books and internet media used to support the analysis. The researcher used psychological approach to reveal cruelty in the novel. The result of this research shows  how Heathcliff’s cruelty is revealed in this story, what are the causes of Heathcliff;s cruelty and its impacts. Heathcliff takes his revenge to all the people that ever hurt him. He takes their happiness and destroys their life.
Devil or Victim-An Analysis of the Characterization of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights段丽芳
Overseas English 2014, (11)
The character Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights is a controversial character that has aroused severe debate among critics and readers long since it was published in 1847. He is considered is a cruel devil and his acts in this novel are too far beyond a nor?mal human’s moral acceptance. However, in spit of physical strength and his power of revenge, he is in a way also a victim of love and society. His destiny is doomed since he came into this world as the one who is“The Other”to take the revenge.
Feminist Literary Criticism and Wuthering HeightsBiswanath Mahapatra
European Academic Research, Vol II, Issue 9/ December 2014
Feminist criticism is the most outstanding discovery in the realm of theory as well as in the world of women. Feminist criticism comes in literary world in many forms and feminist critics have various goals. In them, some have been interested to rediscover the works of previous women writers who were over looked by male dominated society and others have started to review the books by male authors from a woman’s point of view. Now a days a number of contemporary feminists have turned to topics as various as women in post colonial societies, women’s autobiographical writings, lesbians and literature in the construction of feminine gender. 
Lord Byron and Wuthering Heights: Representations of the (Anti)-HeroineElli Karampela (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
9th International Student Byron Conference
Messolonghi, May 2014
After the death of the nineteenth-century literary lion, Byron’s authorial aura reached the Victorians in numerous ways. From Carlyle and Tennyson to the Brontë’s reading and fascination with Byron’s work and personality, one quick overview of Victorian literature can reveal striking influences; an instance is the posthumous fashion launched by the dark Byronic hero for equally charming and repulsive male protagonists who have become similarly notorious for their satanic and mysterious temperament. In the Turkish Tales, however, the deviant Byronic hero coexists and in fact acquires significance from different types of belles that have drawn the attention of the critics; it is interesting to note how Byron displays his ambivalent views on issues of gender by representing heroines in contrasting ways. This paper tackles exactly this contrasting portrait of the female in Byron’s The Corsair (1814) and examines how this portrait can be paralleled, even re-inscribed in the picture of a Victorian heroine like Catherine Earnshaw from Emily Brontë’s transgressing novel Wuthering Heights (1847). Specifically, I aim to focus on power relations in both kinds of writing and how these are transformed into coexisting conforming and dismissive comments on contemporary concerns. 


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