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Thursday, January 01, 2015

Thursday, January 01, 2015 1:58 pm by M. in , , ,    No comments
Let's begin with a blog entry. It's not our usual format, but if you want a proper first Brontë post of the year, nothing better than a visit to Cosy Life where lots of recent pictures of a snowy Brontë Parsonage and Haworth can be seen. Quite a New Year's treat.

BBC News lists several new books for 2015. We are intrigued by the following mention:
The writers John le Carre and Charlotte Brontë are the subject of new books, as is The Kinks frontman Ray Davies. (Rebecca Jones)
Maybe they are talking about Claire Harman's upcoming biography but, as far as we know, it is scheduled for 2016.

The Telegraph (India) makes the following statement (basically the wikipedia entry on flashback):
As the era of the talkies dawned a decade and a half later, Rouben Mamoulian's City Streets (1931), starring Gary Cooper, featured the flashback. But the device remained largely a novelty till the housekeeper Ellen in William Wyler's Wuthering Heights began narrating the main story to overnight visitor Lockwood. (Sumi Sukanya)
The author Jennifer Niven lists the best teen books in her opinion in The Guardian:
Judy Blume’s characters, more than my own parents, knew how I felt, what I thought, what I feared. In high school, I graduated to the Brontë sisters, whose dark, dramatic longing spoke to my ongoing sense of displacement.
Postmedia News reviews the film The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death:
The spirit is obsessed by the boy, giving him toys and separating him from the others in a bid to take him as her own by luring him into the black marsh. Imagine the Brontë sisters on a bad acid trip and you can get a fleeting frisson of what this movie feels like, because for all the bleak imagery and horror archetype, we actually get two strong female heroines. (Katherine Monk
This columnist of The Rogersville Review recalls her childhood:
My favorite books were the old English romance novels, such Wuthering Heights. I also liked Jane Austin (sic) books, such as Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and Sense and Sensibility. (Teresa Kindred)
Gawker comments on the Harper Bazaar's interview to Gwyneth Paltrow (the interviewer, by the way, was writer and Brontëite Justine Picardie) and particularly about her break-up with Chris Martin:
Throughout the interview, Gwyn heaps praise on Chris, citing his "strength," "incredible empathy," loving attitude, and patience. She basically shouts "I am Heathcliff" at the interviewer. (Allie Jones)
De lecturas, sueños y otras loqueras (in Spanish) and Aamil Syed review Wuthering Heights.


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