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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sunday, December 21, 2014 11:19 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The Irish Independent gives alternatives for all of you who don't like pantos:
The Gate Theatre (gatetheatre.ie) is offering another one of their very solid classic novel adaptations for Christmas. This time it is a very literal bringing to the stage of Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights and this stars Tom Canton as their very dashing Heathcliff. (Sophie Gorman)
Another Christmas books quiz. This one in The Guardian:
Who is banished to the attic on Christmas Day?
a) Heathcliff
b) Jane Eyre
c) David Copperfield
The Hull Daily Mail compiles '20 pearls of Yorkshire wisdom'. Among them:
There is always a ‘but’ in this imperfect world. – Anne Brontë, novelist and poet from West Yorkshire.
Christmas nostalgia with a smile in this column on Khaleej Times:
And contrary to what people who shun the crib in favour of more exotic locations may believe, the familiar does not become monotonous, even after many years. Just like a weathered copy of Wuthering Heights, picked up in the ‘80s, that I’ve read and re-read till the pages began to come loose. It now lies amongst other literary treasures in a glass-fronted case at home, the sight of which always makes me smile. Who says an inanimate object can’t be welcoming? (Enid Parker)
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Switzerland) discusses the evolution of the European Bildungsroman:
Während vieler Jahre glaubte man, der Bildungsroman sei nur im deutschen Sprachraum verbreitet. Gegen Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts erkannte man indessen, dass dieses Genre keine ausschliesslich deutsche Angelegenheit war, und man zählte rund ein Dutzend britische Autoren, die Bildungsromane geschrieben hatten, unter ihnen etwa Charlotte Brontë, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, D. H. Lawrence oder James Joyce. Ausserdem hatten auch Balzac, Stendhal, Flaubert und Romain Rolland bedeutende Bildungsromane geschrieben, man denke bloss an «Illusions perdues», «Le Rouge et le noir» und «L'Education sentimentale». Dann veröffentlichte Franco Moretti 1987 seine bahnbrechende Studie «The Way of the World. The Bildungsroman in European Culture» und erklärte das Genre zur epochalen Form des 19. Jahrhunderts. Im Bildungsroman erhalte, so Moretti, die Moderne ihren emblematischen Ausdruck. (Jeremy Adler) (Translation)
booksandquills and Book in the Bag review Jane Eyre.


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