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Sunday, December 07, 2014

Sunday, December 07, 2014 4:48 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The Oregonian reviews a local performance of Luigi Pirandello's Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore:
The uninspired rehearsal clumps along, until the sound of wind fills the theater, and a group of characters all in black, a somber family, materialize on stage. They're wan and washed out, figures out of Charlotte Brontë of even a European version of the Addams Family. These 19th century folk stuck in time are mission-bound: They want to perform their play, and it's a doozy. It's the only way they can come alive. (Holly Johnson)
The Auburn Citizen  remembers a Christmas party in the 1940s  but the Brontë reference is not really fitting in our opinion:
It is the girls' comments of that party that are memorable. I have their permission to quote their individual impressions. I could not help, but think and compare the description of the houses in the Victorian Gothic novels of “Wuthering Heights” and “Jane Eyre” to Willowbrook, envisioning the little girls in their party attire exploring the hidden recesses of the house. Willowbrook was described as a jumble of additions onto additions made over the years with turrets and spacious rooms.
Salon lists possibe gifts for favourite fictional characters. For Tina Belcher from Bob's Burgers:
It’s not exactly erotic friend fan fiction, but she’ll love Mallory Ortberg’s irreverent literary satire “Texts From Jane Eyre” ($14, hardcover) just the same. (Erin Keane)
In the Sunday Times a mother who is home schooling his sick son:
"He's been out of school now three weeks. I'm trying to teach him history, about the Brontës," (Sian Griffiths
The Portland Mercury has an alert for today, December 7:
I don't even know why the rest of us bother to write anything so long as Mallory Ortberg is around. The founder of the fantastic site the Toast and one of the smartest and funniest people online, Ortberg's hilarious new book, Texts from Jane Eyre, imagines text messages between beloved literary figures, from King Lear to Cormac McCarthy. Tonight's reading is going to be great. (Erik Henriksen)
Powell's City of Books, 1005 W Burnside, 7:30 pm, FREE
Montages (Norway) interviews the director of photography  Runar Sørheim. Talking about the use of the 4:3 (or Academy ratio) format he says:
Dere har valgt å skyte filmen i 4:3-format, såkalt Academy Ratio, som var standard frem til begynnelsen av 50-tallet. Hvilke tanker ligger bak denne beslutningen?
– Vi hadde lyst til å gjøre noe drastisk. Jeg opplever ofte at scope-formatet ikke blir tilstrekkelig utnyttet. Det bærende motivet i filmen er nærbildet av Julia, og nærbildet mister sin kraft hvis det blir unødvendige mengder informasjon på hver side. Wuthering Heights (2011) av Andrea Arnold er et godt eksempel på hvordan den kvadratiske formen styrker nærbildet. Vi ville ikke ha to tredjedeler med tomrom på hver side av Julias ansikt, forteller Sørheim. (Sveinung Wålengen) (Translation)
Louise Sanfaçon posts on Les Soeurs Brontë a collection of collages combining different portraits of the Brontës with a screen printing filter. The book trail reviews Jane Stubb's Thornfield Hall.


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