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Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Wednesday, December 03, 2014 10:41 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph and Argus has a short article on the approval of the wind farm on the Brontë country moors:
An application to install two wind turbines on 18-metre masts at Old Oxenhope Farm, Oxenhope Lane, has been approved by Keighley and Shipley Area Planning Panel.
Objectors included the Brontë Society, which argued the turbines would dominate the scenic landscape.
Supporters of the scheme argued the turbines were vital for developing the farm’s business, and complied with government policy to cut carbon emissions from the dairy industry.
Councillor Rebecca Poulsen (Con, Worth Valley) referred the application to the planning panel.
Cllr Adrian Naylor, who voted against the application, said: “We need to protect the farming community in upland areas but to make the farms viable we’re having to provide supermarkets with marketing points so they can demonstrate their green credentials.”
Jane Eyre is one of the '9 books every woman should read' according to InQuire.
The Old Favourite…Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
As every English graduate and great grandma will tell you, Jane Eyre is one of the most epic love stories ever written. In the stormy landscape of northern moors and grand nineteenth century houses, this gothic novel follows the life of the plain but feisty Jane Eyre as she works as a governess at the haunting Thornfield Hall. It is here she meets and falls in love with the elusive master of the house Mr Rochester, whose past is clouded in secrecy and ultimately comes to the surface to threaten the relationships and lives of the couple. In addition to the enveloping romance of the story, Brontë combines horror, suspense and tragedy in order to create the ultimate love story that feels much more modern than it’s [sic] time.
Best quote: “I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.” (Bethan Stoneman)
The Daily of the University of Washington follows the same train of thought.
An awakening, which is often said to have started with “Jane Eyre,” by Charlotte Brontë, led to women wanting to identify with protagonists who could reach a higher standard of true love through her own choices and self-love. Today, a desired heroine is fully satisfied with her relationship, has a great sex life, and lives happily ever after. A heroine is empowered, cared for, and independent. (Jeevika Verma)
A columnist from El País (Brazil) picks his favourite books:
O morro dos ventos uivantes, de Emily Brontë (1818-1848) – O amor entre a complicada Cathy Earnshaw e o rancoroso Heathcliff ultrapassa as convenções sociais, o tempo e até mesmo a morte. Publicado em 1847, é a narrativa da paixão cega e da vingança a qualquer preço, desenvolvida nos grotões de uma Inglaterra selvagem. Disponível em pelo menos sete versões diferentes. (Luiz Ruffato) (Translation)
Ravenna & Dintorni (Italy) interviews writer Nicola Lagioia:
Il romanzo inizia con una morte, ci sono anche delle indagini, ma non è un noir… o in qualche modo lo è? «Il noir è un mezzo, non un fine. È un buon ingranaggio per raccontare altro. Delitto e castigo è a modo suo un noir, c’è l’omicidio della anziana, le indagini, ma è un noir come pretesto. La prima indagine della letteratura è quella di Edipo, che in realtà non è una indagine sulla morte del re-padre di Edipo, ma è indagine su se stesso. Ci sono però dei noir che ho amato particolarmente come Dalia nera di Ellroy, quelli di Lèo Malet, ma più che al noir mi sento vicino alla letteratura gotica (senza volermi mettere al loro pari) come Cime tempestose della Brontë, Sotto il vulcano di Lowry Malcom, L’urlo e furore di Faulkner e il gotico rurale di Roberto Bolaño». (Matteo Cavezzali) (Translation)
A Crowded Bookshelf is reading Jane Eyre.


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