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Monday, December 08, 2014

Monday, December 08, 2014 12:16 pm by M. in , , ,    No comments
Patheos gives voice to a young muslim female Ph.D. student:
I was the only hijab-wearing woman in the group attending this course. When I have told people in the past that I am a PhD candidate, they tend to jump in with two predictable choices. Something to do with medicine, they say. Dentistry? Pharmacy? Or it’s Middle East Studies. Translation? Arabic? Urdu? Persian? One of those “Islamic” languages?
Well, it’s a language. But not one of those that involves “deciphering crabbed oriental scrolls” like St. John in Jane Eyre. There’s a clue there. Because I am a hijab-wearing woman who has been studying English literature at university level for a decade, more or less — although I am predictable in that I choose to study novels about and from the Middle East. (tasnim)
Página 12 (Argentina) publishes an obituary of PD James quoting a fragment from her autobiography, Time to Be in Earnest:
It was a room which came alive in memory when I read an account of the schoolroom at Lowood in Jane Eyre, although I am sure the two establishments had absolutely nothing else in common.
We loved this Common Core State Standards reinterpretation as published in the Washington Post:
His new rather sarcastic Common Core curriculum appeared on the blog of education historian and advocate Diane Ravitch, who gave me permission to republish it.
Here’s the post, starting with a quote from the anonymous teacher:
“I put together this list of required readings for 9-12 when I was told by our curriculum director that we could, with few exceptions, only teach “informational texts” in English class, because it was what Common Core Standards required. Here is my list with the explanation following of why it is an informational text:
A New Curriculum for the Common Core (...)
Twelfth Grade(...)
Wuthering Heights – A guide on how to establishing one’s self on the property ladder with a section on effective community relationships. (Valerie Strauss)
Both tripfiction and  The Writers of Woman review Jane Stubb's Thornfield Hall; billierosie posts about Wuthering Heights. On the Brontë Bell Chapel Facebook Wall we can find a Telegraph & Argus article on the group and its work to recover the Thornton Brontë Bell Chapel.


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