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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saturday, October 25, 2014 3:40 pm by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph reports that Kate Bush's former home in Eltham, London is on the market. If you don't remember its name, is easy to imagine: Wuthering Heights.
What is a house called Wuthering Heights doing in Eltham, a genteel suburb of south-east London?
By rights, it should be on the Yorkshire moors, covered in dark clouds, with gales rattling the window-frames and a woman in the distance screaming: “Heathcliff! Heathcliff!”
The explanation is quite simple once you remember that Emily Brontë is not the only celebrated author of Wuthering Heights.
A song of that name launched the musical career of that reclusive genius Kate Bush in 1978. And it is her old house, on Court Road, Eltham, that has just come on the market for £3 million. (Julia Flynn)
Herts and Essex Observer reminds us of the broadcast tonight (Channel 4, 8pm) of the new season of Walking Through History. The first episode will feature Haworth and the Brontës:
Walking Through History first came to our screens last year, a pleasing addition to the schedules for amblers and history buffs alike, as Sir Tony Robinson and the team tackled a series of visually spectacular walks through some of our most historic landscapes - all the better if they can stumble upon some stories from Britain's past to boot.
Now in its fourth series, for those who've yet to catch it, in each episode Tony follows a bespoke route which allows him to explore the history behind certain events or period, as well as take in the landscape. This series; well, it's much of the same.
Tony's first walk of the new series takes in the dramatic moors and valleys of West Yorkshire, the home of, and inspiration for, the Brontës, the literary family behind classics Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre.
Our presenter has four days of walking ahead of him, and starts out in the Victorian wool capital of Bradford and treks the giant loop around what is known as Brontë Country. Cha rlotte, Emily, Anne and their brother Branwell were born in the suburb of Thornton, and Tony traces their childhood to the much-romanticised Brontë hub of Haworth.
Alison Graham adds in Radio Times:
Tony Robinson walks that well-trodden literary path along the south Pennine moors to Haworth in West Yorkshire, home of the Brontë sisters, Charlotte, Emily and Anne.
There can’t be a northerner who has never run across those very tussocks on school trips yelling “HEATHCLIFF!” but Robinson is admirably restrained. Though it’s been told so many times, there’s still something fantastically, tragically winning, something that calls to anyone who loves literature, in the story of the girls, their brother Branwell, and their home, the Parsonage.
Along the way Robinson meets Brontë experts and reads apposite excerpts from Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights, though he’s not a fan of the latter. It’s too “overwrought and complex”. Really?
New Statesman talks about the latest exhibition of Paula Rego's works in London and sums  up her work:
Not all artists are good at explaining their work but Paula Rego knows just what her pictures are about: they deal, she says, with “the beautiful grotesque”. It is a neat encapsulation of psychologically complex works that illustrate nursery rhymes, fairy tales and the folk stories of her native Portugal, that show women as dogs or sexual avengers and that reimagine classic novels such as Jane Eyre and The Metamorphosis. (Michael Prodger)
The Greenfield Recorder reviews The Hawley Book of the Dead  by Chrysler Szarlan:
She began to write at that young age—mostly stories about horses, animals she loved and still loves.
“And then when I was 12 I got my hands on a copy of ‘Jane Eyre,’” she added. “So that took me to a whole other level of reading and writing and thinking about writing.”
She laughed at the juxtaposition of “Virginia Woolf” and “Jane Eyre.” “No wonder I write New England gothicky stuff!” (Tinky Weisblat)
The Sydney Morning Herald publishes another review: David Malouf's The Writing Life:
He describes how, as a child, the ending of Dumas' La Reine Margot prompted "hysterical weeping". His vivid memory of reading Jane Eyre on the beach leads him to reflect on the way the imaginative space of a novel can allow us to inhabit two very different environments simultaneously. An essay on the influence of Walt Whitman on D.H. Lawrence describes the shock of encountering the subversive ideas in Lawrence's poem Snake in a school reader. (James Ley)
Cosmopolitan lists some of the literary classics revisited in Anna Todd's After:
3. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
When it first appears in the series: Hardin mentions Rochester and Jane in an attempt to dissuade Tessa from marriage in book one.
What it reveals about Hessa: Hardin readily admits that Jane and Rochester's relationship isn't the best counterexample of marriage, but "I just love hearing you ramble about literary heroes." He also loves reminding her of tortured protagonists. Wonder why.
4. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
When it first appears in the series: Tessa wanders into Hardin's room during a party at the frat house in book one and discovers his extensive collection of classics. "I grab Wuthering Heights and pull it off the shelf," she says. "It is in bad shape, the pages showing how many times it has been read."
What it reveals about Hessa: Hardin uses Wuthering Heights as a means to discuss his and Tessa's relationship in literature class: "Catherine and Heathcliff were just so similar that it was hard for them to get along, but if Catherine wasn't so stubborn they could have lived a long and happy life together." The specter of Heathcliff hangs around Hessa throughout the story. And yet, they remain inexplicably drawn to each other, making Heathcliff-esque Hardin determined to make sure they end up together at the end.
Bonus: Tessa says, "Catherine Earnshaw and Elizabeth Bennet are much better company than my mother." #Burn. (Heeseung Kim)
Once again the Spanish writer Santiago Posteguillo makes a Brontë reference. He talks in Las Provincias (Spain) about his new project:
Avanzó que está preparando un relato corto sobre los perros literarios y citó los casos de Argos de 'La odisea' o Pilot de 'Jane Eyre'. Estos canes sólo están infectados por el «virus de la literatura» y sugirió que 'Cujo', de Stephen King, no sería un mal relato «para una persona que no ha aprendido a amar a los perros» (en referencia a las autoridades sanitarias). (Carmen Velasco) (Translation)
Kölner Stadt-Unzeiger gives voice to the scholar Friederike Danebrock:
Das kam bei den Zeitgenossen zum Teil nicht gut an. „Sturmhöhe“ etwa, die tragische Liebesgeschichte von Heathcliff und Catherine, geschrieben von Emily Brontë, stieß zur Zeit ihrer Veröffentlichung auf blanke Ablehnung, weil die Protagonisten für den damaligen Geschmack gar zu leidenschaftlich ans Werk gingen. (Translation)
Culturamas (Spain) has an article about the Brontës with some usual blunders (Brönte, some dubious portraits...) and some unusual ones (Brandwell?):
La que hoy me trae aquí, sentada en mi escritorio y aporreando las teclas del ordenador, es la familia Brönte (sic), quienes tomaron como pilar uno de los más bellos artes que todos conocemos, la escritura.
Ninguno de sus antepasados podía presagiar los dones que desde ya temprana edad se empezaron a manifestar en los pequeños hermanos Brönte (sic), Charlotte, Emily , Anne y el a veces relegado a un segundo plano, Brandwell (sic). La extremada educación de su padre junto con el vertiginoso desarrollo de su imaginación, hicieron que su capacidad para la construcción de historias cada vez más complejas, aumentara de una manera casi sin precedentes. A pesar de la temprana felicidad que dio este talento en un primer momento oculto, las desgracias al igual que en otras familias, no se hicieron esperar. La muerte se convirtió en un invitado de honor en los primeros años de los Brönte (sic), el fallecimiento en primer lugar de su madre y posteriormente de sus dos hermanas mayores fueron los hechos que más marcaron todas y cada una de sus obras. (Pilar Martínez) (Translation)
Caitriona Doherty talks about being a superfan in Wessex Scene:
Accept that no work made by human hands will ever be perfect. But you can like a thing, flaws and all. For example, you might love Jane Eyre with all of your heart, but you have to admit that it has some pretty questionable sexual and racial politics. The novel is still brilliantly written, and still makes a powerful feminist statement, especially for the time period. But it does have flaws that don’t deserve to be ignored.
Gina Barreca lists movies that can "make a guy go into a panic" in Psychology Today. Needless to say, we don't agree at all:
Tie: "Wuthering Heights" or "Jane Eyre" — any adaptation, any director, any time period.
Business Standard (India) has an article on the actor Dilip Kumar, one of the few actors who played both Heathcliff and Rochester in the big screen. Groruddalen (Norway) talks with an inmate at the Bredtveit prison who aptly quotes from Charlotte Brontë's ("I am no bird...").


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