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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014 10:20 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
'Tis the season of all things Gothic and so Chris Priestley shares his 'top ten tips for Gothic writing' over at The Guardian's Children's Books section.
4. Mad, bad and dangerous to know
Why not have a Byronic anti-hero? Mean and moody like Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights or Mr Rochester in Jane Eyre. Or perhaps the most Byronic anti-hero of all: the creature in Frankenstein.
Meanwhile, the Leicester Mercury looks at the current temporary exhibition at the British Library: Terror and Wonder: The Gothic Imagination where
Manuscripts by the Brontës, Charles Dickens and Bram Stoker rub shoulders with a letter from Byron and antiquarian works such as Nathaniel Spencer’s Complete English Traveller, an 18th century travelogue which pictures a druids’ wicker colossus, “wherein malefactors, prisoners of war and sometimes innocent people (where there was a deficiency of the former) were burnt as sacrifices”.
USA Today's Happy Ever After interviews writer Karen Atkins and asks her,
If you could "accidentally" snatch someone from time, who would it be? Karen: [...] I'd go back and bring either Jane Austen or one of the Brontë sisters back with me. They all died tragically young, and I'm sure each of those women had so many words still stuck in her, waiting to get out. I'd want to show them the enduring impact their stories have had on readers for generations. I'd also probably be tempted to send them back with a few handfuls of penicillin and a vaccine or two. (Jessie Potts)
Spanish writer Santiago Posteguillo continues promoting Jane Eyre his book. From Diario Siglo XXI (Spain)
Si nos atenemos a un sentido más metafórico de la palabra sangre del título y la interpretamos como esfuerzo, me atrevo a preguntarte: ¿detrás de un libro escrito hay mucho esfuerzo? Normalmente, detrás de una obra maestra de la Literatura sí hay un gran esfuerzo, pero no detrás de todos los libros, porque los hay buenos y malos. El título hace referencia a la sangre física, como se refleja en algunos relatos, por ejemplo el del duelo entre Pushkin y el francés Georges d’Anthès o el de los vampiros de Drácula, y también a la sangre en el sentido metafórico al que aludías en tu pregunta. En este caso pienso en Charlotte Brontë, que vio morir a todas sus hermanas, mientras que a ella sólo le quedó el amor de un hombre casado, algo que en la época victoriana estaba muy mal visto. Brontë, sin embargo, recogió su sufrimiento y lo recreó escribiendo Jane Eyre, a la que imprimió un toque feliz que no pudo disfrutar en su vida real. Es lo que se llama justicia poéti(Herme Cerezo) (Translation)
The Times of India looks at the inspiration/influences behind some Indian TV programmes such as
Meri Aashiqui Tumse Hi. A complex love story that revolves around a rich and beautiful girl Ishani (Radhika Madaan) and her poor admirer, the son of the domestic help Ranveer (Shakti Arora) has an uncanny resemblance to Emily Brontë's novel Wuthering Heights. This classic novel got adapted thrice into movies and now it finds an Indian soapy version. The current love-hate drama and complications — which is Ekta Kapoor's forte is gaining a lot of interest via TRPs. (Shruti Jambhekar)
Entertainment Weekly's The Community also finds traces of Wuthering Heights while writing about episode 3 of season 2 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: School Hard.
This interaction between Marsters and Juliet Landau is perfect, setting up their deranged-romantic Wuthering Heights–meets–Sid and Nancy partnership. (Wendy Hathaway)
The Nation reviews the docudrama The Golden Era by Ann Hui which
 tells the story of Xiao Hong, a woman writer known for depictions of hunger and poverty in China during the 1920s and '30s. [Director Ann] Hui compares her works with those of Emily Brontë, who also focuses on unpleasant realities. (Liu Wei)
Did you like the Brontë Tote we posted about yesterday? Well, here's a giveaway of one. iheardin posts about Wuthering Heights. Frugal Chariot continues its Jane Eyre readalong.


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