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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday, October 18, 2014 7:57 pm by M. in , , ,    No comments
The Yorkshire Post vindicates the validity of the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography:
The latest version includes Geoffrey Ambler, a Bradford industrialist and senior RAF officer who reached the rank of Air Vice Marshal in Fighter Command during the Second World War, and his scientific collaborator Margaret Hannah – a mathematician who became a lecturer at Leeds University.
Another new addition is Sir James Roberts, the former owner of Saltaire textile mill who later saved the Brontë Parsonage at Haworth.
The Sheffield Star has eaten at the Greenhead House Restaurant in Chapletown:
There are times when the soul needs as much sustenance and nurture as the body. And that a few hours in food heaven help you through the hellish. We walked into the charming three-storey 17th century cottage and relaxed in a drawing room filled with cushions, nicknacks and antique furniture. It was like being in Charlotte Brontë’s dolls’ house.
The New York Times reviews  The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton:
It’s a lot of fun, like doing a Charlotte Brontë-themed crossword puzzle while playing chess and Dance Dance Revolution on a Bongo Board. Some readers will delight in the challenge, others may despair. (Bill Roorbach)
The Chicago Daily Herald remembers that the LifeLine Theatre performances of Jane Eyre has been extended:
Lifeline Theatre, 6912 N. Glenwood Ave., Chicago, has extended its production of "Jane Eyre," adapted from Charlotte Brontë's novel by ensemble member Christine Calvit and starring Anu Bhatt as Jane and John Henry Roberts as Edward Rochester. Performances continue through Nov. 16.
The Daily Express invites you to take their literary quiz and find out which classic literary character you are:
Great works of literature entertain, inform and reflect the world back at us.
Do you identify with a particular character - perhaps you share Jane Eyre's quiet wisdom and determination, Lizzie Bennet's quick wit, Holden Caulfield's contempt for the status quo or Edmond Dantes totally focused drive?
Now's your chance to discover your true literary soulmate - just click the link below...
Sarah Moss reviews The Surfacing by Cormac James in The Guardian:
The last expedition of Sir John Franklin has been lost for over 160 years, but the search continues. A Canadian team this summer found the hull of one of Franklin's ships, the Erebus, reported abandoned in 1848. Franklin and his men were looking for the last section of the Northwest Passage, where British governments since the 16th century had hoped to find a quick trade route to the fabled wealth of east Asia. Like hundreds before them, they died in the attempt. Most of the British men who died after them in that area were search crews; well before the end of the 19th century, more explorers had died looking for the Franklin expedition than were on it in the first place. The search, motivated by Franklin's widow and by a powerful mixture of Victorian sentiment and imperial rhetoric, became a national project. There were folk songs, poems, lantern shows, essays by Charles Dickens and a play by Wilkie Collins. There's a glancing mention in Jane Eyre.
The Globe and Mail interviews the writer Carrie Snyder. She's is not a Brontëite, sorry:
What agreed-upon classic do you despise?
Pass. If I don’t like a book, I stop reading it, and therefore do not despise it. For example, I could never get into Jane Eyre despite having made repeated attempts. Please don’t hold this against me.
We read on The Cambridge Student:
When I was thirteen, I was forbidden to do three things: hard drugs, join the Tory Party and read Wuthering Heights. My mother explained that teenage girls read Emily Brontë’s novel when young and suggestible. The next 10 years are spent searching for Heathcliff, trawling an adolescent smog of lynx and insecurity for a whiff of angst-fuelling testosterone. (...)
Perilous as this passionate romantic view may be, my mother missed a trick. Far more dangerous than Heathcliff to sexually frustrated teenagers is the super-embossed goo of kissing in the rain and writing letters that is Noah from The Notebook. (Sarah Howden)
The TImes reviews Gwendolen by Diana Souhami:
Just as Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea resurrected Antoinette in a post-colonial prequel to Jane Eyre, so Souhami's first novel Gwendolen becomes a 21st-century feminist rereading from the perspective of Daniel Deronda's heroine. (Fiona Wilson)
Grazia (Italy) reviews the performances in Milano, Italy of Faust Marlowe Burlesque :
È una storia nota, quella di Faust che stringe un patto col diavolo Mefistofele pur di appagare la sua sete di conoscenza. Meno nota la versione di Aldo Trionfo e Lorenzo Salveti, scritta per due mostri sacri come Carmelo Bene e Franco Branciaroli. Un pastiche di attuale complessità, che cita Goethe e Marlowe, senza precludersi riferimenti letterari eclettici come quelli a Cime Tempestose. (Gabriele Verratti) (Translation)
Milliebot Reads compares several covers of Wuthering Heights editions.


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