
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014 9:52 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
A.V. Club considers Andrea Arnold a natural-born thrillers and one of '18 directors who haven’t made a horror film, but should'.
So many horror movies focus on young female characters, and so few of them connect to those characters in a meaningful way. One of the best adolescent heroines in recent film appears in Andrea Arnold’s drama Fish Tank, about an impoverished, standoffish English girl who aspires to be a hip-hop dancer. Arnold followed that up with a stripped-down, de-aged Wuthering Heights, continuing to show unsentimental sensitivity to her young subjects. Both movies also generate a lot of tension from grounded stories, a quality that would serve Arnold well in any number of horror subgenres, from the psychological to the supernatural (preferably shot in the old-fashioned 1.37 aspect ratio she used for Tank and Heights). Any Final Girl of hers would kick ass in believable and boxily framed ways. (Jesse Hassenger)
Writer Santiago Posteguillo keeps on mentioning Jane Eyre in his promotional interviews. From Culturamas (Spain):
P.- ¿Cuál de estas historias le resulta más atractiva e interesante? ¿Por qué? A mí me emociona enormemente la de Cartas rotas donde se ve como Charlotte Brönte (sic), que sufrió una vida llena de padecimientos, en lugar de quedarse sola en una esquina de su casa, llorando y sintiendo lástima de sí misma, reconvierte todo ese horror vivido y lo transforma en Jane Eyre, una de las obras maestras de la literatura universal: entretenida, enigmática, misteriosa, moral y donde la justicia y el amor triunfan y pueden con todo. Una lección de técnica literaria y de resistencia vital ante la adversidad. Creo que el relato conmoverá a mucha gente. (Benito Garrido) (Translation)
Pathfinder (Greece) wonders about the connection between skin colour and attraction:
Τα παραδείγματα των γυναικείων προτιμήσεων ξεκινούν από τον ρομαντικό ήρωα του μυθιστορήματος, “Ανεμοδαρμένα Ύψη” της Emily Brontë, Heathcliff, και καταλήγουν στον Χαβιέ Μπαρδέμ. (Έλενα Κρητικού)(TranslationThe Courier Online
considers Jane Eyre a 'Petrifying Page Turner'. Female Arts reviews the Butterfly Psyche adaptation of Wuthering Heights. Edie Faulkner posts about Cowan Bridge and the Brontës. A Night's Dream of Books and Babbling Books continues posting on their Jane Eyre.


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