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Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014 7:59 am by Cristina in , ,    No comments
It's a quiet Monday in Brontëland. Harpers Bazaar features Chloë Sevigny who
wouldn’t mind playing a femme fatale, a Jean Harlow–esque comedienne, or the lead in a period drama—preferably anything Edith Wharton, Henry James, or the Brontës. (Christine Whitney)
The St. Joseph News-Press features a local classic book club:
From there, the group moved on to other classic tales, including books by Louisa May Alcott and Charlotte Brontë. The members also tackled three Russian novels in one year, including “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy. For longer novels, the group sometimes takes two months to read and discuss the book. (Jena Sauber)
Krytyka Polityczna interviews the Polish writer Agnieszka Graff:
Czy miałaś szczególnie ważnych bohaterów literackich, jakieś inspiracje?
Do tego dziewiętnastowieczna powieść angielska: Tessa Hardy’ego, Wichrowe wgórza Emily Brontë, potem Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë. (Michał Sutowski) ( (Translation)
The Edinburgh Journal discusses Michael Gove's new English Literature syllabus. Escritoras inglesas writes in Portuguese about Emily Brontë. Beauty is a sleeping cat posts about Agnes Grey. Allerhande, maar vooral literatuur (in Dutch) reviews Wuthering Heights 2011.


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