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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014 10:56 am by Cristina in , ,    No comments
Books Live interviews writer Anthony Ehlers.
As a writing teacher who has taught on writing erotica, what’s your take?
Erotica can be a sub-genre of romance. For all its kink, Shades of Grey by EL James is a love story – Wuthering Heights with handcuffs. There is a balance between emotional and sexual tension, but the story is highly idealistic and has a happy ending. It’s a safe way to explore fantasies and sexuality. (Joanne Hichens)
This is what an Ithaca Journal columnist recalls of reading Jane Eyre for the first time:
My parents collected Reader's Digest Condensed Books. I read them all, discovering, only years later that "condensed" meant "abridged." "Jane Eyre" was a darker tale than I knew. (Sandra Steingraber)
Mendoza online lists Emily Brontë among other one-novel writers.
2. Emily Brontë, Cumbres borrascosas. Publicada en 1847 con el pseudónimo Ellis Bell, la novela de Bronte se considera actualmente como un clásico de la literatura. En el comienzo btuvo duras reacciones de los lectores y los críticos, que vieron en sus páginas una historia deprimente. El tiempo sin embargo hizo justicia. (Translation)
Regretflix! reviews Wuthering Heights 2011.  A Night's Dream of Books and The Frugal Chariot are participating in  Jane Eyre readalong. Warmisunquausten reviews in Spanish the Cozy Classics edition of Jane Eyre.


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