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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014 10:12 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph and Argus explains why nothing has been said about the Brontë Society's recent extraordinary general meeting:
Despite the EGM taking place on Saturday, October 18, the decision apparently cannot be revealed: minutes from the meeting have still to be agreed.
A spokesman for the Brontë Society confirmed that the minutes of the EGM were being circulated to members, adding that details would be made public in the near future.
The Telegraph and Argus also has good news concerning the celebration of Charlotte Brontë's bicentenary in 2016:
Plans to celebrate 200th anniversary of Charlotte Brontë’s birth in 2016 have been given a major cash boost of nearly £100,000.
The Brontë Society’s contemporary arts programme has been awarded a grant of £99,178 by the Arts Council of England.
As well as its museum role, Haworth’s Brontë Parsonage is home to a contemporary arts programme which celebrates the radical nature of the Brontës and the ways in which they have inspired successive generations of artists and writers.
The grant has come from The Arts Council’s Lottery-funded programme Grants for the Arts.
Across the ocean, the Jackson Hole News & Guide reviews the Jackson Hole High School stage production of Jane Eyre:
The actors’ lines are nailed down, and their blocking is tight.
“It’s got good pacing, and this incredible, amazing story is filled with romance and mystery,” Lewis said.
Go any night to find out who the lunatic is that stalks the shadows and sets fire to Thornfield Hall. Let these students take you back in time to find out if the champion of early feminism does find love. It costs only $12. (Jason Suder)
The Fairfield Mirror finds a Brontëite in writer Sarah Daltry.
GW:  What are you reading now and who are some of your favorite authors?
SD: (...) My favorite classical authors are Hemingway, the Brontës and Salinger.  My favorite contemporary authors include Courtney Summers, Lauren DeStefano, Jodi Picoult and Tom Perrotta. I like to read realistic contemporary and young adult fiction. A lot of adult fiction tends to have a certain focus, genre or literary. Sometimes I just want to read a story that isn’t genre, just realistic, but also not trying too hard to be literary. (Georgina White)
Dread Central interviews Axelle Carolyn about her debut as a film director with the movie Soulmate:
I think people enjoy it most when they know not to expect a conventional ghost story. Nowadays ‘ghost story’ seems to imply fast-paced, jump scare, nonstop terrifying situations, but while we have a couple of good jump scares here, the movie takes you in a very different direction. It’s a supernatural drama, but selling it as a horror is a bit misleading. It’s very much character-based, psychological; I often describe it as a spooky Jane Eyre. If you’re open to that, you’ll enjoy the different directions it takes you into. (Staci Layne Wilson)
The Huffington Post discusses sex in fiction:
Our sexuality is naturally (and I do mean naturally) a part of what we are. So fiction has to deal with it in one way or another (and I do mean one way or another). The spinsterly Jane Austen hints of 'intimate attachments'. Charlotte Brontë permits Jane Eyre more freedom of expression with her 'bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh' allusion to intercourse with Mr Rochester. (Richard Masefield)
What Mr Masefield seems to have overlooked is the fact that Charlotte Brontë wasn't coining a euphemism but quoting from Genesis:
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
Paris Match has a 'dime a dozen' set of Brontë references in an article on the Clooney-Amal marriage:
Un mois après de luxueuses noces vénitiennes, l’acteur américain est présenté à la bonne société libanaise et à ses plus hauts dignitaires, dans un décor emprunté au romantisme des sœurs Brontë.
On croit voir Jane Eyre dans chaque recoin tapissé de ce manoir à la Hurlevent, sur les pelouses du parc qui borde la Tamise et sous les lambris de la salle de réception. (Pauline Delassus) (Translation)
The Wall Street Journal instructs readers on 'How to Make a Unique Fall Bouquet' and 'Embrace the darker side of the season with a Brontë-esque arrangement'.
The colors we most associate with fall are the warm tones of red and amber—hues that jostle alongside each other on trees and bushes as they burst into flame. But this time of year, with its grayer skies and longer nights, can put you in a mood that’s more Brontë than Binchy. Why not unleash your own creative force with an arrangement that uses flowers in mysterious dark plummy shades that are a little less obvious but no less autumnal?
To create a hauntingly beautiful Brontë-esque bouquet that wouldn’t seem out of place in that well-known household of English literature, you’ll want to look for brooding shades.
Taking inspiration from the sweeping Yorkshire moors covered in deep purple heather and expanses of silvery foliage contrasting against a dusky sky streaked with pale pink, I chose velvety chocolate Dahlias, chocolate Cosmos (which, delightfully, actually smell like chocolate), plum Astrantia, deep-red Black Baccara roses and dark Cotinus foliage. To offset these dark colors, I added some silvery purple-tipped Acacia, full-blown palest pink Sweet Avalanche roses and, for a final flourish, bunches of charming pink-flushed snowberry. (Robbie Honey)
The Motley Mind posts about Jane Eyre. The Brontë Parsonage website has a post on how the garden looks like in September.


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