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Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Wednesday, October 08, 2014 1:59 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
This is something creative and useful for the compulsive tweeter. Bustle selects 17 quotes by the Brontës that fit into a tweet:
A lot of authors have packed some pretty great quotes in fewer than 140 characters. The Brontë sisters, for example, knew how to express heartbreak, passionate love, and some great witty insults in a tweet-sized package. So, for your tweeting pleasure, here are some of the best quotes from the Brontë sisters that are short enough for you to post on Twitter and impress your friends with how literary you are. (Some very minor condensing had to be done to a few quotes — but I don’t think Anne, Charlotte, and Emily will mind.) (Shaun Fitzpatrick)
Financial Times complains about the image given by pictures like Effie Gray or Mr Turner of John Ruskin:
Mike Leigh – whose Mr Turner is also released this month – owes a debt to Ruskin, too. The young critic was an eloquent and enthusiastic advocate of Turner’s work, notably in Modern Painters (1843), which became the foundation of Ruskin’s professional reputation. The book drew praise from the likes of George Eliot and Charlotte Brontë, who said it “seems to give me eyes” to judge truth in art. In return, the ungrateful Leigh depicts Ruskin as a simpering, precocious swot who can’t pronounce his Rs. (Andrew Hill)
Crikey Daily Review reviews the QPAC performances of Wuthering Heights in Brisbane, Australia:
Nobody ever told me that Wuthering Heights was a comedy. Or that I’d get soaking wet if I sat in the front row.Frankly, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at this production —  laugh, because it came across as pure farce; or cry, because it’s a travesty of Emily Bronte’s flawed but compelling tragedy.
It began with a classic case of miscasting. Having comedian Gerry Connelly to play Nelly Dean (pictured above), the old housekeeper of Wuthering Heights, probably seemed like a good idea at the time, because of his former high profile in Brisbane. But Connelly played the devoted family servant as a classic pantomime dame, with an inconsistent  fake Irish accent, complete with the dreaded rising inflection at the end of every monotonous sentence. He was totally out of step with the rest of the cast, lurking always in the background as a kind of glowering presence, more like the sinister Mrs Danvers in Rebecca than the rock on which the whole household depends. It didn’t help that he often forgot his lines. (...)
Still, top marks to Josh McIntosh, because the set could have worked had it been handled better; to Jason Glenwright for another effective moody lighting design; and to Guy Webster for his seriously atmospheric noises on and well as off. The two-star rating that this production has received was entirely for their contribution, because the show was otherwise almost a complete disaster, unless you were able to look at it as the Monty Python version, and even then I was waiting for the Colonel to come on and say “This is all getting very silly”. (Alison Coates)
TheatreinChicago reviews the Lifeline production of Jane Eyre:
Edward Rochester, we are told, refused to flee the fiery destruction of his unhappy home until the rest of the household had been evacuated, only to find himself trapped beneath the burning ceiling. Though he survives, he is left with a crushed hand that must be amputated, a missing eye torn from its socket and the loss of sight in the one remaining.
The rules of stage decorum require heroes to wear their injuries with grace, leading most productions to merely suggest Rochester's disabilities by means of an empty sleeve-cuff and a pirate-style eye patch. In Christina Calvit's steampunk-tinged adaptation for Lifeline Theatre, though, actor John Henry Roberts displays his persona's mutilated visage in full view of the audience. (Mary Shen Barnidge)
The Arts Desk talks about the new British Library big exhibition: Terror and Wonder. The Gothic Imagination:
What follows is a history of the democratisation of entertainment, as the taste for fiction trickled down the social ladder via Dickens, Collins and the Brontës, until the Victorian fin de sièclegave us the divided selves of Jekyll and Hyde and that covert sexual liberator, Count Dracula.
Sarah Vine in the Daily Mail:
True loves, we are led to believe, cannot bear to be apart, not even for a moment. Separation is a knife to the heart; they would rather die than be parted. Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde, Cathy and Heathcliff: joined at the hip or for ever doomed.
Erm? On Vulture:
Like Kate Bush's "Wuthering Heights" meets Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon meets a Pumpkin Spice Latte, Pharrell [Williams]'s "Gust of Wind" is a music video fit for fall. (Lindsey Weber)
The Sarasota Herald-Tribune makes an autumn quotes search on Google and finds Emily Brontë's, of course:
“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree,” writes Emily Bronte. (Marilynn Preston)
Librópatas (Spain) recommends Jane Eyre for all of the pre-raphaelite lovers:
Ya os hemos dicho en varias ocasiones por qué deberíais leer Jane Eyre. La obra es la más conocida de las hermanas Brontë y una de las más leídas. Jovencita huérfana con vida difícil se va a trabajar a lejana mansión como institutriz de una niña francesa a cargo del misterioso señor Rocel C. Pico) (Translation)
Davidemaggio (Italy) reviews the TV series Un'Altra vita so far:hester. (Raqu
La nostra impressione iniziale è stata più che confermata con l’andare avanti della storia, che a tratti risulta pesante e per niente briosa come ce la saremmo immaginata. Ai telespettatori italiani però il drama evidentemente piace molto e ne avrà ancora di più nell’ultima puntata, in cui la protagonista Emma (Vanessa Incontrada) vivrà alcuni momenti concitati che culmineranno nel rapimento della figlia minore per mano di Anna (Francesca Cavallin), il personaggio oscuro che trasporta la sceneggiatura nelle atmosfere di Jane Eyre.
Al pari dell’oscura Bertha presente nel romanzo di Charlotte Brontë, Anna è infatti lamoglie nascosta dell’uomo che fa girare la testa alla protagonista. Una donna fragile, pericolosa perchè fuori controllo, suo malgrado carnefice di un marito che non la abbandonerebbe mai ma che non ce la fa più a convivere con lei. La domanda a questo punto è la seguente: anche Anna, come Bertha, morirà nel finale lasciando Emma e Antonio (Daniele Liotti) liberi di amarsi? Di seguito le anticipazioni dell’ultima puntata (la sesta) di Un’Altra Vita. (Translation)
The Worm Hole is disappointed with Bidisha's postcolonial reading of Jane Eyre in The Secret Life of Books.


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