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Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Wednesday, September 03, 2014 9:35 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
Bonnie Greer, president of the Brontë Socity, has now spoken concerning the unrest among some members, as reported by the Yorkshire Post:
Bonnie Greer yesterday hit back at members who have raised 50 signatures in a bid to oust the literary society’s ruling council.
Ms Greer said the Society and Brontë Parsonage Museum were well run.
She said: “The Society is run in a professional manner by a diverse team of skilled individuals. Business strategies are in place and outcomes are continuously monitored.
“Additionally, the staff at the Museum are to be congratulated on their ongoing work and they have excellent fund raising record in a very challenging economic climate.”
She said members were “understandably concerned” at the departure in June of the Society’s executive director, Ann Sumner.
“I would like to reassure members that Council has not been idle since Professor Sumner left. Council has used the last couple of months to review the role of the executive director and a skilled leadership team is in place and doing a fine job at the museum.”
Ms Greer rejected claims that council members were “enthusiastic amateurs”, saying they had extensive professional experience.
“As a former deputy chair of the British Museum...I can assure members that the Council is in very good shape,” she said.
It was “surprising” none of those criticising the Society had stood for election at the annual meeting in June, she added. (Andrew Robinson)
The Yorkshire Post also features Amar Latif whose company Taveleyes enables 'blind and visually impaired people to enjoy independent travel'. Apparently,
Closer to home, trips to the Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth and the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway have proved popular with clients from Italy, Australia and Canada.
Yahoo! Movies recommends streaming Jane Eyre 2011:
The future director of True Detective amps the gothic horror in his adaptation of the Victorian classic.
From the opening minutes of Cary Joji Fukunaga’s Jane Eyre, it becomes bracingly clear that this is not a book-club version of the Brontë novel. Every frame bristles with menace: The lush countryside is a landscape of despair and almost certain death, and the dark, well-appointed sitting rooms are stages for sudden violence. While the tale has been committed to screen some two dozen times in the last 100-plus years, the man who directed all eight episodes of True Detective’s inaugural season seems to be among the first to truly get it right. This is Jane Eyre as it should be, a rough and tumble proto-feminist film noir that’s closer to a horror story than a Victorian romance. (Oliver Jones)
And there is another mention of the film in a review of Madame Bovary. According to IndieWire's The Playlist,
A recent analogue would be “Jane Eyre,” Cary Fukunaga’s classical and post-modernly stylish adaptation of Charlotte Brontë also co-starring Wasikowska. But that film’s gothic aesthetic coupled with the fever-dream passion between Michael Fassbender and Wasikowska made for a ravishing and haunting look at romance.
That kind of vital alchemy is sorely absent here and is arguably the film’s main weakness. A largely miscast movie, the usually strong Wasikowska feels off her game with no equal to volley against. (Rodrigo Perez)
The Globe and Mail has an article on British TV series Happy Valley and comments on its literary references.
There is also a layer of literary references. Alert English-lit scholars watching will know that the graveyard Catherine visits to honour her daughter, the suicide victim, is in Hebden Bridge, which also contains the grave of Sylvia Plath. And during the kidnap scene, the victim’s car stereo is playing Kate Bush’s Wuthering Heights. In fact, Bush is singing “Heathcliff, it’s me, Cathy” at the key moment, deliberately linking the story to Emily Brontë’s great novel of doomed love set in the very same location.
It’s an interesting flourish, this, in a drama that is very much about the treatment of women by men. But it sits awkwardly. (John Doyle)
New Hampshire Public Radio has Michele Filgate, 'freelance writer, critic, and independent bookseller at Community Bookstore in Brooklyn', recommend the 'Eight Must-Read Books Of September'. One of which is
5. The Paying Guests - Sarah Waters (Release Date: September 16)
"This book feels gothic and dark like Rebecca and Jane Eyre. It’s the best kind of page turner."
The Christian Science Monitor comments on the story of a Native American kindergartner who was sent home from school because his long braid was a dress code violation.
Many educators may be familiar with the classic literary tale of “Jane Eyre” wherein the head master of Lowood School berates a student named Julia for what he believes is the vanity of curling her hair in order to lure boys. In fact Julia’s hair is naturally curly. When Jane defends her friend, both girls have their hair cut off as part of a punishment by "mortification." (Lisa Suhay)
More teacher-related news in The Times. According to Alice Phillips, head of the Girls’ Schools Association, many teachers are lost when it comes to English grammar and literature.
"If you're not already intimately acquainted with the tremendous breadth the 19th century novel has to offer--Jane Austen, Gustave Flaubert, Charles Dickens and Charlotte and Emily Brontë and so on, the understandable default will be to bone up on two or thee texts and stick to them." (Nicola Woolcock)
Air writes about Wuthering Heights in Indonesian.


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